looks like the ex's coming to pick up the monitor and keyboard after all.
Actually no, he's sending around someone to pick them up tonight.
So this will be my last blog before my vacation. I will try and make a blog once a week when I'm away, but perhaps not the first week because I'll be spending every moment with my man
In case I don't manage I will of course already wish everyone the best imaginable christmas and new year celebrations.
As if luck has been on my side I have managed to perform miracles and get everything ready for going away.
Including working 32 hours this past week, making christmas hampers for 30 employees, buying christmas presents for my mom and brother, buying 6 weeks of cat food and taking it to my moms-without a car
, painting toenails, dying hair, washing and sorting out clothes to take. There are two major things bugging me, i have no money what so ever. I am going to Thailand broke. I get payed on the 20th, but the first week there I will have nothing so he will have to pay, which I hate
Second thing I hate is my house looks like a bomb exploded. Somehow I have to find time to clean, it would be horrible to come home to a dirty messy house after my vacation. It'll be bad enough coming home to the cold, I need everything to be clean.
So where to find that time
I'm still working a half day monday and all day tuesday and djing at the club tonight too.
Oh well, at least I won't have a computer distracting me in the evenings....let's look on the brightside hey?!
Love yous!
Actually no, he's sending around someone to pick them up tonight.

In case I don't manage I will of course already wish everyone the best imaginable christmas and new year celebrations.
As if luck has been on my side I have managed to perform miracles and get everything ready for going away.
Including working 32 hours this past week, making christmas hampers for 30 employees, buying christmas presents for my mom and brother, buying 6 weeks of cat food and taking it to my moms-without a car

Oh well, at least I won't have a computer distracting me in the evenings....let's look on the brightside hey?!

Love yous!

Happy New Year 

happy belated new year