Any of you kids remember Faith no more?
One of my favorite bands at the time. Mike Patton kicked ass after they spilt too with Fantomas, mr Bungle and tomahawk etc I've seen him shake his booty plenty of times over the years and his on stage charisma is seldom beaten i.m.h.o. And he's fucken beautiful too!
Anyhoo, saw him play again last night. Was so funny. He was singing 70's italian b-movie soundtracks. Backed by the Metropolitan Orchestra. My dear friend Sam took me as an early birthday present.'s almost that time of year again...yikes. Anyway...Sam is so lovely, isn't it great to have friends?
In other news I've had some p.m's about my 3rd "friends only" installment of my life story (age 10-15). Thank you so much for asking and enjoying it. I haven't written it yet though and I'm finding it hard to find time this week too, so busy in work. It will come though and I promise it's still interesting I've lead an amazing life and no I do not feel sorry for my self at all. That is not what I'm trying to put across. It's meant more as a statement that life can give you a hard fucking time, but you never have an excuse to be a drop out. You are in control of your own life my friends... so don't fuck it up!
So leaving you with a shout out to some new amazing people I've met on here, Hi And to some old "faithfulls" I <3 you. Have a good weekend. xoxo
One of my favorite bands at the time. Mike Patton kicked ass after they spilt too with Fantomas, mr Bungle and tomahawk etc I've seen him shake his booty plenty of times over the years and his on stage charisma is seldom beaten i.m.h.o. And he's fucken beautiful too!
Anyhoo, saw him play again last night. Was so funny. He was singing 70's italian b-movie soundtracks. Backed by the Metropolitan Orchestra. My dear friend Sam took me as an early birthday present.'s almost that time of year again...yikes. Anyway...Sam is so lovely, isn't it great to have friends?
In other news I've had some p.m's about my 3rd "friends only" installment of my life story (age 10-15). Thank you so much for asking and enjoying it. I haven't written it yet though and I'm finding it hard to find time this week too, so busy in work. It will come though and I promise it's still interesting I've lead an amazing life and no I do not feel sorry for my self at all. That is not what I'm trying to put across. It's meant more as a statement that life can give you a hard fucking time, but you never have an excuse to be a drop out. You are in control of your own life my friends... so don't fuck it up!
So leaving you with a shout out to some new amazing people I've met on here, Hi And to some old "faithfulls" I <3 you. Have a good weekend. xoxo
Yep, zeker herkenbaar De mens is een gewoontedier, dus het is een heel menselijke reactie om de "roedel" zoveel mogelijk hetzelfde te willen houden (Hell, ze hebben er zelfs *religie* voor uitgevonden... ). Raar om je te beseffen dat je claimerig kan zijn, zeker als je uit een scene / alternatief circuit komt die staat voor vrijheid en individualiteit. Ik heb het zelf ook gehad...
Aan de andere kant denk ik dat een beetje claimen ook juist wel die stabiliteit geeft binnen een "relatie" zeg maar. Het is pas wanneer de balans doorslaat dat het van "houden van" naar "claimen" gaat.
Kortom; in het hele proces van mensen loslaten moet je dus uitkijken weer niet te gaan overdrijven. Want dan kan je dus onbewust jezelf steeds meer loskoppelen van mensen. Maar ja... Een wijze oude chinees zei ooit;
Alles waar "te" voor staat is niet goed... Behalve tequila, en tevreden...
Of was het nou een mexicaan? Anyway.... Overdrijven is nooit goed... Die text die je stuurde vat het ook mooi samen iig.
M'n plannen dit weekend... Ik wilde eigenlijk naar Bazar Bizar;
Een kunst / muziek / kleding markt in Charlois gehost door D-struct collectief.
Maar ik weet nog niet of ik mensen meekrijg... Dus eerst maar even naar de sportschool, en dan met het hondje naar het bos en dan zien we wel weer verder...
Oh en je hoeft je nooit te verontschuldigen voor een klein gevalletje typ-tyfus hoor.