i am so excited today! Mirrormask comes out tomorrow. this is like waiting for star wars, well maybe not star wars but close. it was written by one of my favorite authors, neil gainmen, and i've been waiting for it since july of last year. so yeah!
i have to work tonite. i hate that. not working, but spending your day cramming in what you need to get done before you go to work. i think i'd rather work right off the bat and then come home and do all my "chores". last night some old fuk and his wife came in for dinner. they tried to leave thru the back door which we normaly keep locked but since it was 15 to close i went to let them out. so this dirty old fart says to me "show me your belly". what? show me your belly, what the fuk for? he proceeds to fondle his stomach and chest and asks me if i have tattoos on my belly and boobs and can he see them. well batfans, the pin cussion did not handle this well. if you've never seen a dirty old fuk get shoved out the back door of a sushi bar to land on his ass, then come to see me and ask me an absolutly inapproprate question like that. after i did the shoving i thought hmmmm that was not the way to hanle it, but then he says "mmmm strong too i like that." ok now i'm pissed off. what is with the older generation? they either look at you with discust or they assume because of what you've done to your self it's ok to just come up to and stick there fingers in you. i'm tired of it. you realy wanna fuk with me lets go. i hate when they touch me. because i'm tattooed they can just put their hands on me? i don't get that. for the summer while i was getting my head tatted people came up to me all over the place and would put their hands on my head. get yer dirty contaminated hands off my body. what the fuk! maybe it's this city, people don't do that to me in other places. i realy wish peope were not so ignorant. ok done ranting.
my daughter sings me this song about how she loves me and i'm her best friend and it breaks my heart. it's the best sound in the world. her voice. i can't live with out that little voice.
it's been raining here for a week. god hates us and we're all ganna drowned, or live on the roof.
i'm going to see a band tonite. good good stuff.
so if they come yer way go see. excellant groves.
that's all, goodnite.
i have to work tonite. i hate that. not working, but spending your day cramming in what you need to get done before you go to work. i think i'd rather work right off the bat and then come home and do all my "chores". last night some old fuk and his wife came in for dinner. they tried to leave thru the back door which we normaly keep locked but since it was 15 to close i went to let them out. so this dirty old fart says to me "show me your belly". what? show me your belly, what the fuk for? he proceeds to fondle his stomach and chest and asks me if i have tattoos on my belly and boobs and can he see them. well batfans, the pin cussion did not handle this well. if you've never seen a dirty old fuk get shoved out the back door of a sushi bar to land on his ass, then come to see me and ask me an absolutly inapproprate question like that. after i did the shoving i thought hmmmm that was not the way to hanle it, but then he says "mmmm strong too i like that." ok now i'm pissed off. what is with the older generation? they either look at you with discust or they assume because of what you've done to your self it's ok to just come up to and stick there fingers in you. i'm tired of it. you realy wanna fuk with me lets go. i hate when they touch me. because i'm tattooed they can just put their hands on me? i don't get that. for the summer while i was getting my head tatted people came up to me all over the place and would put their hands on my head. get yer dirty contaminated hands off my body. what the fuk! maybe it's this city, people don't do that to me in other places. i realy wish peope were not so ignorant. ok done ranting.
my daughter sings me this song about how she loves me and i'm her best friend and it breaks my heart. it's the best sound in the world. her voice. i can't live with out that little voice.
it's been raining here for a week. god hates us and we're all ganna drowned, or live on the roof.
i'm going to see a band tonite. good good stuff.
so if they come yer way go see. excellant groves.
that's all, goodnite.

Oi, how is everything? My daughter smiles and tries to gouge (sp) my eyes out. Little angel.

Hey punk...if you guys are up for the company, I might be out there the weekend of 12/3.