Ah yes...procreate to recreate. Great advice!
How was Atlantic City? We're headin' to Reno this month. Time off from work, school, and kids....HOORAY!
Good for you and the ladies. I, personally, foster that in my wife. It is a good thing, no?
How was Atlantic City? We're headin' to Reno this month. Time off from work, school, and kids....HOORAY!
Good for you and the ladies. I, personally, foster that in my wife. It is a good thing, no?

Wow...she's gorgeous.
looks good stinky pits.
i'll make it out there soon. i still have to do a painting for alorah. being angry and drinking all the time has inhibited my painting abilities.
i'll make it out there soon. i still have to do a painting for alorah. being angry and drinking all the time has inhibited my painting abilities.
yeah! no updatey long timey.
lots and lots. we went to the binghamton convention. for those with out the knowlegde of the great towns of binhamton, johnsen city, endicot its like cleaver meets deliverence but every body says the word sex in a wisper so god doesn't hear you. dylan grew up there. so yeah my relationship could be soundtracked with some bangoes. so we...
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lots and lots. we went to the binghamton convention. for those with out the knowlegde of the great towns of binhamton, johnsen city, endicot its like cleaver meets deliverence but every body says the word sex in a wisper so god doesn't hear you. dylan grew up there. so yeah my relationship could be soundtracked with some bangoes. so we...
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who is that sexy bearded lumberjack in the black shirt?!
update again. do something to entertain me. tell dylan to come hang out. i guess you can come too. being depressed sucks and this bottle of scotch is almost empty.
ahhhhh update. i a m lazy.
our good friends jon and molly came out to see us and get tattooed by my hubby, who is also lazy. wouldn't it be great if i could put a link here that would take you to his website were all his beautiful work could be seen? lazy.
we had a great time i just wish we could see...
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our good friends jon and molly came out to see us and get tattooed by my hubby, who is also lazy. wouldn't it be great if i could put a link here that would take you to his website were all his beautiful work could be seen? lazy.
we had a great time i just wish we could see...
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saturday night works for me, as long as we end up getting drunk and i get to slap your new tattoos.
it's almost convention time!
That, little lady, is a very sobering journal entry. I love the pic, and hope that you're feeling ok. Take care.

check out my page...yer gonna love it.
had some awsome sex this'morning. it was victory sex. my hubby was all king of the hill because the mouse traps he set a month ago finally caught the little fucker that was shitting all over my house as a sign of retailiation. so victory sex, on the bathroom counter. very nice.
hahaha. congrats on the victory sex!
my mouth hurts.
i have stinky gum holes.
i have stinky gum holes.
Friggin dentists!!! Butchers!!!

Stop your fucking whining! Whiner!
i had my wisdom teeth taken out. yesterday.
i have to go back next monday. to do the other side.
it feels like someone jerked off in my mouth with a jack hammer.
i have to go back next monday. to do the other side.
it feels like someone jerked off in my mouth with a jack hammer.
i'm so afraid i'm going to turn into my mother. i am. i'm just like her. i can't stand it. i thought if worked really hard to drive her out like a demon i could become something else. something better. but i find myself talking to my husband like my mother would talk to hers (any of the 3) and i crusify him with my...
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I'm not sure if we've met, but I nkow those two through RIT and people like Woz and Matt W. (trying to protect the not so innocent, hah!)
I'll take my love however I can get it!
Enjoy your daily dose of internet alterna-tits.
Sorry I couldn't make it out this weekend. Work is kinda nutty. My head sort of feels like it is going to explode.
Enjoy your daily dose of internet alterna-tits.
Sorry I couldn't make it out this weekend. Work is kinda nutty. My head sort of feels like it is going to explode.
That's also awesome about your relationship. Being in a good one is the BEST!!