The tranny in my truck is broken. I find that statement very amusing.
Eitherway, It's two in the morning. I could barely stand upright to work at 6:30 this afternoon and now I can't fucking sleep. Figures. So I updated my OKcupid profile and did some housekeeping on the various crap I nominally own on the Internet.
See, this is me being all mellow and such. I bet you a nickle I'll be right back to neurotic as hell by tommorow.
Eitherway, It's two in the morning. I could barely stand upright to work at 6:30 this afternoon and now I can't fucking sleep. Figures. So I updated my OKcupid profile and did some housekeeping on the various crap I nominally own on the Internet.
See, this is me being all mellow and such. I bet you a nickle I'll be right back to neurotic as hell by tommorow.
also, naked shit has been postponed indefinitely due to increasing rage on my part. you know how it goes.
PS food?