Feeling much better.
Update: I need someone to find me one robot suit, one cup of whipped creme, and a Non-Analog Whumpus.
Would anyone be up for wrestling in Olive Oil or a similar lubricating substance as part of a combination charit event/fraternity funraiser/insane moneymaking scheme?
I'll cut it 33/33/34, with a third to the frat, a third to the wrestlers, and a third to a noble and worthy cause of some sort.
Failing that, I really do need the robot suit. The backup insane moneymaking scheme is to pirate Fox's broadcasting signal and try to convince the world that evil robots are holding all of the world's beer hostage from their impenetrible invisible space fortress, in space, and unless they get thirty thousand dollars in those nifty golden coins from a few years back they'll turn all beer everywhere into Michelob Light.
Alternately, if you can think of a viable way to make oil wrestling profitable with boy wrestlers then I'm all ears.
Update: I need someone to find me one robot suit, one cup of whipped creme, and a Non-Analog Whumpus.
Would anyone be up for wrestling in Olive Oil or a similar lubricating substance as part of a combination charit event/fraternity funraiser/insane moneymaking scheme?
I'll cut it 33/33/34, with a third to the frat, a third to the wrestlers, and a third to a noble and worthy cause of some sort.
Failing that, I really do need the robot suit. The backup insane moneymaking scheme is to pirate Fox's broadcasting signal and try to convince the world that evil robots are holding all of the world's beer hostage from their impenetrible invisible space fortress, in space, and unless they get thirty thousand dollars in those nifty golden coins from a few years back they'll turn all beer everywhere into Michelob Light.
Alternately, if you can think of a viable way to make oil wrestling profitable with boy wrestlers then I'm all ears.
that's good
What the hell are Crow and Katie going to be doing at Bong?