I've decided that I have either a vitamin D deficiency or a boobie deficiency. I'm holding out for boobies but I won't know for sure until the results get in from the lab.
Eitherway, I could really go for a stable relationship right now. And by stable relationship I mean that I'd like a person who cared about me, lived closer than five hundred miles, and was at least moderately sane and consistent. Maybe I should just get a pet or something, but I definately feel a need for consistency in my life.
On much the same note I'm sitting here and plotting out my life evening by evening for the next semester of school. I don't know why I still give a damn about my fraternity, but I'm giving it as much time as it needs to get off of its ass and start being a useful student organization next semester. After that I'll either stick with it in a reduced capacity or I'm giving up on the stupid thing. If it continues for another semester like it has for the last few it's just not worth my effort.
Gah. I have to try to get back on track with school, pull my fraternity out of the water, and still find time to be a happy, healthy, horny, insane and possibly mentally disturbed individual. This is going to be all kinds of exciting.
So if I do get a pet, rat or... shit, well, rat. Nothing else is small enough and hygenic enough to meet muster. Actually, screw it, I hate animals. They're messier than children. I'll just stick with the 'find a dynamic, intelligent, beautiful woman who is as interested in me as I am in her' thing. It's failed me consistently for the last five years, but that just means I have to try harder, right?
Eitherway, I could really go for a stable relationship right now. And by stable relationship I mean that I'd like a person who cared about me, lived closer than five hundred miles, and was at least moderately sane and consistent. Maybe I should just get a pet or something, but I definately feel a need for consistency in my life.
On much the same note I'm sitting here and plotting out my life evening by evening for the next semester of school. I don't know why I still give a damn about my fraternity, but I'm giving it as much time as it needs to get off of its ass and start being a useful student organization next semester. After that I'll either stick with it in a reduced capacity or I'm giving up on the stupid thing. If it continues for another semester like it has for the last few it's just not worth my effort.
Gah. I have to try to get back on track with school, pull my fraternity out of the water, and still find time to be a happy, healthy, horny, insane and possibly mentally disturbed individual. This is going to be all kinds of exciting.
So if I do get a pet, rat or... shit, well, rat. Nothing else is small enough and hygenic enough to meet muster. Actually, screw it, I hate animals. They're messier than children. I'll just stick with the 'find a dynamic, intelligent, beautiful woman who is as interested in me as I am in her' thing. It's failed me consistently for the last five years, but that just means I have to try harder, right?
FRANK THE TANK! I bet you get that alot.
doesnt exist, spent my whole life looking for it found it and realized I dont work in long term relationships.