My good friends, I say to you with umost conviction that until this very moment I have been a blind man. Not three hours ago my sight was restored to my by a scientific process, and I now find myself overwhelmed by these things which you call color, and light, and distance, and space.
I have taken, this very day and not three hours ago, a single dosage of Ritalin, and I have found myself able to think, and not only to think but to think clearly, and in an ordered fashion.
In sincerely apologize to all of you, but I am afraid that it has come to light that you have never truly met me, as I have never truly met myself, and I hope that from this point forward it is I who will greet you with warmth and affection whenever we should chance to meet.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have matters of some import to which I must attend, and I perceive that the wonderful effects of this drug will be vacating my system sooner than I should wish, so I must go and attend them while I maintain the capacity to do so.
And now, the alloted time has all but passed, and I must watch with sadness as the amazing faculties which I have just now discovered fade away, as a receeding tide, and I long for the days to pass so that I may acquire a full prescription and be able to spend each waking hour unveiled as I was for a few beautiful moments this afternoon.
For I must say that it seems to me as though my personality and personhood has existed for many years as though shrouded in thick blankets, and that with the benefit of this drug those blankets may be removed and those aspects of my personality which were until now occluded will be revealed to all.
I cannot help but think with a certain black amusement that the most appropriate music at this moment would be HAL9000 singing 'Daisy.... Daisy....' in the moments before his mind was totally erased. For it seems to me that I am sinking back into dark water, and it will be two days before I am in possesion of the boon which can free my of it's grasp. I find it unsettling that I know that my mind is changing and I am losing something, but I cannot precisely say just what quality it is that is vanishing, or how the shackles that are reasserting themselves are made to function.
It occurs to me that many celebrities have a great deal of power, a great deal of money, and no instruction in the arts of wisdom, restraint, or discretion.
I have taken, this very day and not three hours ago, a single dosage of Ritalin, and I have found myself able to think, and not only to think but to think clearly, and in an ordered fashion.
In sincerely apologize to all of you, but I am afraid that it has come to light that you have never truly met me, as I have never truly met myself, and I hope that from this point forward it is I who will greet you with warmth and affection whenever we should chance to meet.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have matters of some import to which I must attend, and I perceive that the wonderful effects of this drug will be vacating my system sooner than I should wish, so I must go and attend them while I maintain the capacity to do so.
And now, the alloted time has all but passed, and I must watch with sadness as the amazing faculties which I have just now discovered fade away, as a receeding tide, and I long for the days to pass so that I may acquire a full prescription and be able to spend each waking hour unveiled as I was for a few beautiful moments this afternoon.
For I must say that it seems to me as though my personality and personhood has existed for many years as though shrouded in thick blankets, and that with the benefit of this drug those blankets may be removed and those aspects of my personality which were until now occluded will be revealed to all.
I cannot help but think with a certain black amusement that the most appropriate music at this moment would be HAL9000 singing 'Daisy.... Daisy....' in the moments before his mind was totally erased. For it seems to me that I am sinking back into dark water, and it will be two days before I am in possesion of the boon which can free my of it's grasp. I find it unsettling that I know that my mind is changing and I am losing something, but I cannot precisely say just what quality it is that is vanishing, or how the shackles that are reasserting themselves are made to function.
It occurs to me that many celebrities have a great deal of power, a great deal of money, and no instruction in the arts of wisdom, restraint, or discretion.
some guy sleeping/passed out on the front steps of my apartment while billybillybilly and I were emptying & cleaning my old place
dropping them off should work I have after-work plans tomorrow, friday might be a better day. I'm not in any dire need of either of them so no rush