It occurs to me that when hunters go hunting they tend to go after the largest and grandest animal in the herd, rather than those weak, young, old, or lame. This doesn't seem like it is in the best interest of the species, and seems quite different from what I know of a predatory animals selection of a prey animal.
At first it was a black bear...
but then I found out bear is my spirit animal, so I decided that killing a bear...not really in my best interest.
A mountain lion or something would be cool.
You would have to be in peak physical condition to do it...but man would that be a trophy.
"See that mountain lion over there? Yeah...I killed it...WITH A KNIFE!"
I bought a NERD Line Lemon Pastel ball python...
now all I need is a few females.
I had one snake I bought as a female...and grew to almost breeding size...only to find out it was a male.
Set me back a bit, but I'm not quitting.
First step: New apartment, get settled.
Second step: get female snakes and raise them to breeding size...
or just skip that and buy an adult snake.
Either one works.
Why? You interested in buying a pastel when I make some?
I could give you a deal.
$350 for a male. That's a good price. I paid $550.