I think I'm going to Major in Religion and Minor in Philosophy. I know that's a recipe for bagging groceries, but it is something where I don't have to just learn things that other people have been coming up with. Yeah. Le Sigh.
Fucking system.
Vote for me in 2028. I'm running for President. There will be some changes made.
Anarchy is liking hooking up at a skeezy bar on the wrong side of the tracks. It seems like a good idea after a few beers, but cleaning up the mess the next morning is a pain.
Fucking system.
Vote for me in 2028. I'm running for President. There will be some changes made.
Anarchy is liking hooking up at a skeezy bar on the wrong side of the tracks. It seems like a good idea after a few beers, but cleaning up the mess the next morning is a pain.
Anarchy is only good for the most ruthless, self serving. Those are the kinds of people that would amass the most power.
Sounds kind of like the same people in control now to me.