In a word, it was glorious. In many more words, I wrote about it here on the blog I write for. Lane 8 has his finger on the pulse of something important, something humane, something connected. It's got me thinking about leaving my phone at home more, or creating a separation between my phone and the activities I want to be more present for, rather than it separating me from those I want to connect to. Or with. Or what have you.
More Blogs
I got to experience a concert with no phones last night
In a word, it was glorious. In many more words, I wrote about it he… -
Wednesday Aug 19, 2009
"They told him that his hear was so inflated and distorted that its c… -
Wednesday Aug 19, 2009
I got a book at the library thinking I hadn't read it before, but i… -
Thursday Dec 27, 2007
It's like what George Clinton said in 1976: "We Want the Funk." He a… -
Sunday Jun 17, 2007
June 12, 2007 Been driving around all day long. North Minneapolis… -
Wednesday Mar 28, 2007
I have a problem with technology. It isn't just my shitty dial-up co…