Today I will continue reading from The Book of Moo.
Book 2
Chapter 7
Verse I. And then The Jackass broke the 71th seal. And His eyes were filled with a vision... The Clouds were parted with a thunderous roar, and roarerous thunder. The Believers and the Non-Believers alike all gazed up to The Heavens. And their eyes beheld The Singular Moo. Appearing as an...
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Book 2
Chapter 7
Verse I. And then The Jackass broke the 71th seal. And His eyes were filled with a vision... The Clouds were parted with a thunderous roar, and roarerous thunder. The Believers and the Non-Believers alike all gazed up to The Heavens. And their eyes beheld The Singular Moo. Appearing as an...
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I'm sitting here, at work, waiting for a phone call, and listening to a JFK speech. One that I would like someone to very slowly explain, in little words, to The Great Shrub in the White House.
The Part that he really needs to listen to, but never will...
"We cannot, as a free nation, compete with our adversaries in tactics of terror, assassination,...
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I'm sitting here, at work, waiting for a phone call, and listening to a JFK speech. One that I would like someone to very slowly explain, in little words, to The Great Shrub in the White House.
The Part that he really needs to listen to, but never will...
"We cannot, as a free nation, compete with our adversaries in tactics of terror, assassination,...
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Quiet day.
I do have them, you know.
Kill Whitey,
FLC Punk
Quiet day.
I do have them, you know.
Kill Whitey,
FLC Punk
Well... It's been a while since I posted (I don't think anyone has ever read this crap... hell even I never check this) but I put up a new pic (I love the accentuated double chin I have due to a wicked short photographer... and my being a fatass.) I ran into someone I haven't seen in 2 or 3 years last night.
I'm sleepy....
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I'm sleepy....
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Dude, you seem to be back.

Life is funny. I spent the weekend with my friend Maggie, and it was definitely different than I expected. It was really good to see her after nearly a year. Ahhhh... Life. Never what you expect. I'm not sure how I feel...
Well, I had a few friends over on Saturday night. Saw some folks I haven't seen in a long time, but other than that it was pretty dull. 3 women showed up total. As Tom said: "It's Saturday night, and I'm standing in a kitchen with a bunck of guys..." I think htat prettymuch summed up the night.
Next time, I'm gonna plan more...
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Next time, I'm gonna plan more...
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OK, I've never posted crap on an online journal, so I think I'll just make up outlandish shit.
can't think of any cool lies right now...
can't think of any cool lies right now...
Merp? Oooooh...
hey guy