Iris gets spayed today and we are officially adopting her. She is already such a good girl. 35 pounds at four months, we're hoping she gets to be between 70 and 100 pounds. Neo, our other dog was 54 pounds at this age and now he's 165(75kg)..
I really don't know how much longer I can stomach working for the company I work for. They waste millions of dollars but cannot spend the money neccesary to keep service working.
We are such awful foster parents.
We are going to keep Iris, not so much because we want another dog, but because Neo is a completely different dog when she is around. He is more confident, he is more playful, he is less fearful of strange things when she is around and seems to be more happy in general. We have a therapy dog for...
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We are going to keep Iris, not so much because we want another dog, but because Neo is a completely different dog when she is around. He is more confident, he is more playful, he is less fearful of strange things when she is around and seems to be more happy in general. We have a therapy dog for...
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Oh thank you for your kindness---did you make known it was from you so Stiles knows? You're a saint.
I have no one thing prepared, packed, settled, nothing. I was in the process of switching rooms with my roommates, too. Still haven't moved my crap up here so he can do his thing while i'm gone.
I dunno. Happy news is my roommie's cay, Lucy has finally become friends with Lourdes, Gitsie's sister. Mark (roommie) said the 2 were hanging out together in his room which is pretty big deal, if she'd let her new buddy into her room! The Gitz, of course wants nothing to do with anything. Very much like her mommy.
Hope your angels are good.
I have no one thing prepared, packed, settled, nothing. I was in the process of switching rooms with my roommates, too. Still haven't moved my crap up here so he can do his thing while i'm gone.

I dunno. Happy news is my roommie's cay, Lucy has finally become friends with Lourdes, Gitsie's sister. Mark (roommie) said the 2 were hanging out together in his room which is pretty big deal, if she'd let her new buddy into her room! The Gitz, of course wants nothing to do with anything. Very much like her mommy.

Hope your angels are good.

no i didnt watch those movies recently!
I really do not enjoy travelling with my family. My folks, my sister and her husband and my girlfriend and I all went down to California to scatter my grandmother's ashes in a place she loved and barring some extremely important or tragic event, I think that I will do my utmost to never do that again. My parents are not that bad, other than...
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We are such awful foster parents.
We are going to keep Iris, not so much because we want another dog, but because Neo is a completely different dog when she is around. He is more confident, he is more playful, he is less fearful of strange things when she is around and seems to be more happy in general. We have a therapy dog for our dog, how sad is that? She really is becoming a wonderful little girl though, she is gradually coming out of the "I have to chew on everything and be a spaz" puppy stage into the more mature "I think I'll be a spaz" stage. She has sit pretty well under control, down is a bit tough because of all of her energy and stay is a little ways off yet, but she is quite smart, and will be a very good dog in time.
We are going to keep Iris, not so much because we want another dog, but because Neo is a completely different dog when she is around. He is more confident, he is more playful, he is less fearful of strange things when she is around and seems to be more happy in general. We have a therapy dog for our dog, how sad is that? She really is becoming a wonderful little girl though, she is gradually coming out of the "I have to chew on everything and be a spaz" puppy stage into the more mature "I think I'll be a spaz" stage. She has sit pretty well under control, down is a bit tough because of all of her energy and stay is a little ways off yet, but she is quite smart, and will be a very good dog in time.
I am really sick and tired and quite fed up with the company I work for.
God, I just thought about the fact that I could just leave that statement for a year and not update at all and it would still be accurate.
I suddenly want to get really drunk.
God, I just thought about the fact that I could just leave that statement for a year and not update at all and it would still be accurate.
I suddenly want to get really drunk.
So, I guess I should update as quite alot has happened since the last time I did.
The Bad:
My nephew rolled and totalled his car. He is diabetic and had a severe insullin reaction while driving and wound up hanging in the seatbelt upside down. He and his dog are all right, so it's not too bad.
My grandmother died.
A guy I worked...
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The Bad:
My nephew rolled and totalled his car. He is diabetic and had a severe insullin reaction while driving and wound up hanging in the seatbelt upside down. He and his dog are all right, so it's not too bad.
My grandmother died.
A guy I worked...
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"July 12: An officer responded to a house in the 500 block of E Street regarding a snake in the yard. The officer contacted the female resident. Both realized that they shared a mutual terror of snakes. Straws were drawn for the assignment - the officer lost. The officer was successful in compelling the garter snake (from a distance) to move out of the yard....
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Iris is stunning!!!
Thank you sooo much for the lovely comment

Thank you sooo much for the lovely comment

Dear Lord, what have we done?!?
Well, we are fostering a puppy for the humane society. So we are going to have her through that wonderful puppy stage of chewed up clothes and shoes, getting up several times a night to take her out and all of the other "fun" that comes along with a puppy. Her name is Iris and I will post pics...
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Well, we are fostering a puppy for the humane society. So we are going to have her through that wonderful puppy stage of chewed up clothes and shoes, getting up several times a night to take her out and all of the other "fun" that comes along with a puppy. Her name is Iris and I will post pics...
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I suppose I should be happy, I mean the stupid transmission lasted longer than anyone else's I know with an explorer. Plus, it wasn't like it died while on the freeway. I think next week is going to be expensive.