fuck. i fell back asleep after my alarm clock went off. im gonna be late for school. crap. i really dont like to be late to class but im late every single day. its horrible. i even set the clock in my bedroom half an hour ahead and im still late every day. damn it. now my evil religion teacher (i swear hes a cult leader) is gonna give me extra evil death stares. crap
oh well ill live right? in other news i spent all night planning a surprise bday with my friend abbie for our dear friend crystal. were thinking next tues and wed, tj. even though im not usually the clubbing kind a girl, i think i can suck it up for a couple days. shell like it. plus itll be during spring break so there will be alot of action.
my aunt just had a baby. hes so fucking cute. she sent pictures cause they just moved to missouri. ive got no clue as to why missouri. shes from kansas though so she likes it back there. anyway my dads gonna drive down during spring break and spend the week there. i wanna go too. im thinking that i can fly out on thursday morning and drive back on sat. sure ill only be there like a day and a half but i dont really think i want to be there any longer. last summer i went to kansas for a week and i almost died. it was horrible. it sucked beyond imagination. trust me.
so yeah im trying to fit everything in and its driving me crazy. if i dont go i guess i could just stay home. id have the house to myself for a week cause its just me and my dad here. that might be nice. o what will i do in this big house all by lonesome self?
wow this is a long journal. i feel like talking though and since no ones around and my dog went outside, ill just keep typing.
yeah so wed 7:00pm is the lucinda williams in store @ amoeba. im looking foreward to it. im not a country fan at all but i like her. itll be nice. i think im gonna go by myself. that way i can listen to cds after and shop at my leisure without feeling like i have to entertain someone or rush. i really hate it when people arnt open to new bands/groups/singers. i could easily get one of my friends to go with me, but i think theyd just annoy me. i need a friend who loves music. i mean really fucking loves music. or at least has the same taste as me. that would be an improvement. im looking foreward to it. plus i havent had any alone time in awhile so thatll be pretty nice. itll be refressing. so yeah ill be there. you guys should go too. ill be the girl with the black MADE shirt on and a red zip up hoodie. come find me...
side note: im really craving frozen peas right now
eek! im gonna be late for school!
and one last final note (i swear!)
leave me a message. tell me something about you that no one knows...
oh well ill live right? in other news i spent all night planning a surprise bday with my friend abbie for our dear friend crystal. were thinking next tues and wed, tj. even though im not usually the clubbing kind a girl, i think i can suck it up for a couple days. shell like it. plus itll be during spring break so there will be alot of action.
my aunt just had a baby. hes so fucking cute. she sent pictures cause they just moved to missouri. ive got no clue as to why missouri. shes from kansas though so she likes it back there. anyway my dads gonna drive down during spring break and spend the week there. i wanna go too. im thinking that i can fly out on thursday morning and drive back on sat. sure ill only be there like a day and a half but i dont really think i want to be there any longer. last summer i went to kansas for a week and i almost died. it was horrible. it sucked beyond imagination. trust me.
so yeah im trying to fit everything in and its driving me crazy. if i dont go i guess i could just stay home. id have the house to myself for a week cause its just me and my dad here. that might be nice. o what will i do in this big house all by lonesome self?
wow this is a long journal. i feel like talking though and since no ones around and my dog went outside, ill just keep typing.
yeah so wed 7:00pm is the lucinda williams in store @ amoeba. im looking foreward to it. im not a country fan at all but i like her. itll be nice. i think im gonna go by myself. that way i can listen to cds after and shop at my leisure without feeling like i have to entertain someone or rush. i really hate it when people arnt open to new bands/groups/singers. i could easily get one of my friends to go with me, but i think theyd just annoy me. i need a friend who loves music. i mean really fucking loves music. or at least has the same taste as me. that would be an improvement. im looking foreward to it. plus i havent had any alone time in awhile so thatll be pretty nice. itll be refressing. so yeah ill be there. you guys should go too. ill be the girl with the black MADE shirt on and a red zip up hoodie. come find me...
side note: im really craving frozen peas right now
eek! im gonna be late for school!
and one last final note (i swear!)
leave me a message. tell me something about you that no one knows...
and nope.. no sahara hotnight or whatever for me. sounds all very silly! *puts nose in the air*