I wanted to wish you the best of days, and blessings for a great and
fruitful year to come. Last night when I laid down and started falling
asleep the weirdest thing happened to me because I was inundated by a
million memories of growing up. Not thoughts, but pictures of times past
started rolling through my head in a way that has never happened to me. All
kinds of obscure moments were coming into my eyes without a register for
reasoning through them, and I got this strange feeling of how time is moving
us all along. So I called some of my friends today, and wondered about some
of the ones I haven't talked to, and wished I knew what some people who I
lost touch with were up to, and I realized how much I miss some of the
characters, and how others I had simply forgot about. None of the people I
called were around, but my friends up here were all trying to hang out, so
we took a hike up into the hill before I had to go to class. It is
amazingly beautiful up here this week, so nice I am finding it hard to work.
And so I was sitting on top of the hill again, and
tracing the way in which fate has brought us all to certain places and
points in existence. And once again I came to realize how blessed I have
been in my time. And I just want to thank you for all the things you do for
me to keep me going on track, and I want you to know the gratitude I have
for you, because your influence on me has brought me so much joy in life.
When I went and saw the RFK Jr. lecture I came out of there thinking, like
it so often happens, that the only reason I took action to seek that
experience was because of some advice you had given me years before. It is
these types of moments that I feel like things happen to me because they are
meant to be, and the way I often see the way things are meant to be is
through your eyes, because I am often not looking where I should be until
you point out the way. And everybody who has ever known you has known this,
that you are some special sort of light that the universe has brought us.
And so I just want to remind you, for your birthday, that you are not just
you, you are all over the place, talking through the world to me, to keep me
upright and healthy and happy. I love you, and wish you health and
happiness, and a happy birthday, Mom.__
fruitful year to come. Last night when I laid down and started falling
asleep the weirdest thing happened to me because I was inundated by a
million memories of growing up. Not thoughts, but pictures of times past
started rolling through my head in a way that has never happened to me. All
kinds of obscure moments were coming into my eyes without a register for
reasoning through them, and I got this strange feeling of how time is moving
us all along. So I called some of my friends today, and wondered about some
of the ones I haven't talked to, and wished I knew what some people who I
lost touch with were up to, and I realized how much I miss some of the
characters, and how others I had simply forgot about. None of the people I
called were around, but my friends up here were all trying to hang out, so
we took a hike up into the hill before I had to go to class. It is
amazingly beautiful up here this week, so nice I am finding it hard to work.
And so I was sitting on top of the hill again, and
tracing the way in which fate has brought us all to certain places and
points in existence. And once again I came to realize how blessed I have
been in my time. And I just want to thank you for all the things you do for
me to keep me going on track, and I want you to know the gratitude I have
for you, because your influence on me has brought me so much joy in life.
When I went and saw the RFK Jr. lecture I came out of there thinking, like
it so often happens, that the only reason I took action to seek that
experience was because of some advice you had given me years before. It is
these types of moments that I feel like things happen to me because they are
meant to be, and the way I often see the way things are meant to be is
through your eyes, because I am often not looking where I should be until
you point out the way. And everybody who has ever known you has known this,
that you are some special sort of light that the universe has brought us.
And so I just want to remind you, for your birthday, that you are not just
you, you are all over the place, talking through the world to me, to keep me
upright and healthy and happy. I love you, and wish you health and
happiness, and a happy birthday, Mom.__