im so fucking happy right now. things have been just lovely lately. tonight i cooked myself dinner. green curry flavored jasmine rice and vegetable doumpling soup. soooo yummy. and i ate dinner while watchin teenage mutant ninja turtle cartoons. fuck yeah! i know your sooo jealous. i actually watched a bit of the o.c. today to see what all the hype was about. it made me laugh and think of my dear o.c. friends haha. but my television time was thankfully interrupted by a certain phone call. i had a huge secret crush on my friends friend like two years ago but havent seen him since then. well i ran into him on sat and we chatted and exchanged phone numbers. yeah so he called me tonight and i talked for and hour and 45 fucking minutes! thats phenominal for me because i HATE talking on the phone. so yeah that was nice. he joined the navy and is stationed in san diego but is gonna drive up to visit me this weekend. AND were gonna go see bad religion play together on the 19th. nice. oh im gonna go thrift store shopping tomorrow morning. thats gonna be super fun. um what else. next week is gonna be crazy. school starts on the 2nd, then my bdays on the 4th, then im seeing the distillers on the 6th. plus with all the fuck going back to school parties im gonna be a busy girl. but yeah im feeling pretty happy today.
forget about yesterday and all the days before. you dont really need to know about those. they were full of meaningless places and interchangable boys. driving home at 4 in the morning and living off of coffee and vicadin. i probably cant recall them if i tried. and all that matters now is tomorrow. a fresh start a new me and all the promises that you bring. i like to think about the past just to torture me. but im through with that now. im finally free. i realized tonight that im over you. completely. and the song that im screaming to at the top of my lungs. yeah im not screaming to you. im screaming just to scream. and it feels nice. just to breath. without having you in the back of my mind. bringing me down as i try desperatly to get high. good night. sweet dreams. and goodbye.
forget about yesterday and all the days before. you dont really need to know about those. they were full of meaningless places and interchangable boys. driving home at 4 in the morning and living off of coffee and vicadin. i probably cant recall them if i tried. and all that matters now is tomorrow. a fresh start a new me and all the promises that you bring. i like to think about the past just to torture me. but im through with that now. im finally free. i realized tonight that im over you. completely. and the song that im screaming to at the top of my lungs. yeah im not screaming to you. im screaming just to scream. and it feels nice. just to breath. without having you in the back of my mind. bringing me down as i try desperatly to get high. good night. sweet dreams. and goodbye.