im the type of girl who eats grapes for dinner. who speeds on the freeway and plays her music so loud that she cant hear the sirens when she gets pulled over. im the type of girl who wears boys shorts. and matches her underwear to the shirt shes wearing. im the type of girl who cares too much about the people around her. but doesnt tell them what it is she feels. im the type of girl who dreams about falling in love. and doesnt kiss and tell. im the type of girl who starts things but never really finishes them. and leaves completed paintings in piles on the floor. im the type of girl who leaves her room a mess. but somehow knows where everything goes. im the type of girl who falls hard and fast. but at the same time wont give you any sign that she knows you exist. im the type of girl who loves to go to parties. but somehow has more fun when sober than drunk. im the type of girl who cant give directions to the easiest place. but never gets lost when driving around la. im the type of girl who gets nervous easily. her stomache ties in knots and her knees shake but shes never really truely afraid. im the type of girl who will have dreams about the girl she likes. but never get the courage to even tell her her name.
Yes, I saw Leona Naess perform last week in a small club too and said hello to her after the show. Oddly enough, the bartender at the bar I was going to when I saw Leona on the street said she knows her but didn't like her music and thought she was bitch. Well, I still like her music and she seemed pretty nice to me. (The bartender probably had some issues with her!)
You the type of girl that will destroy me passing by, and I would smile afterwards