so this whole having the house to myself thing rocks. i went grocery shopping the other day and bought lots of yummy fruits and veggie foods. that made my day. i really do love grocery shopping. except two stock boys and my checker hit on me. that was kinda gross. it definatly brought my shopping enjoyment level down a notch or two. um oh also ive been walking around the house naked alot lately. thats been pretty fun. ive probably been naked more in these last few days than i have in my entire life. not that you guys need to know this stuff or anything. but its been nice.
hmm what else what else. oh ive officially been sucked into the realm of livejournal. why? how? you ask. simple. i found the girl. yes the girl. that girl. the one i spoke about a few journal entries back. yeah so i talked to her and this and that. shes really cool and it turns out she works at a van shoe store in a mall that i happen to shop at. and lives quite close to me. and turns out that weve been to alot of the same concerts recently. i feel really weird now. i feel quite a bit like a stalker. um i wasnt really planning on ever seriously finding her. never thought i would. so um yeah now i feel like a stalker and thats not good so im just gonna stop shopping at that mall and hope i never run into her.
what else. ummmmm. im definatly not feeling very interesting right now. im not feeling very much like myself at all to be honest. it seems that the more i do the less happy i am about things. like ive been filling my life recently with quantitly over quality. i think that i really need to take some time out for myself and think about my life. evaluate what and who around me i need and who i dont. i think im growing tired of my friends. and tired of the usual parties and tired of our whole scene. and im tired of my "friends" criticizing what im doing and who im talking to when there not going anywhere in life. when there nothing great themselves. when there just holding me back and tying me down. yeah i feel like im slowly growing sick of everything around me.
hmm what else what else. oh ive officially been sucked into the realm of livejournal. why? how? you ask. simple. i found the girl. yes the girl. that girl. the one i spoke about a few journal entries back. yeah so i talked to her and this and that. shes really cool and it turns out she works at a van shoe store in a mall that i happen to shop at. and lives quite close to me. and turns out that weve been to alot of the same concerts recently. i feel really weird now. i feel quite a bit like a stalker. um i wasnt really planning on ever seriously finding her. never thought i would. so um yeah now i feel like a stalker and thats not good so im just gonna stop shopping at that mall and hope i never run into her.
what else. ummmmm. im definatly not feeling very interesting right now. im not feeling very much like myself at all to be honest. it seems that the more i do the less happy i am about things. like ive been filling my life recently with quantitly over quality. i think that i really need to take some time out for myself and think about my life. evaluate what and who around me i need and who i dont. i think im growing tired of my friends. and tired of the usual parties and tired of our whole scene. and im tired of my "friends" criticizing what im doing and who im talking to when there not going anywhere in life. when there nothing great themselves. when there just holding me back and tying me down. yeah i feel like im slowly growing sick of everything around me.
I can't believe you talked to her! It sounds like it went great! You have to fill me in when she calls- and she will. As for me, I was super flirty with my girl friday night and found out (ta-dah!) she is bi! But- very unfortunately, she also has a boy on the side. And she sounds pretty infatuated. Oh well.
Yeah, thats it...