hmm just got back from the tegan and sara show. it rocked. im still all shakey and tense (its how i get after shows.) i went by myself, which was weird. i made a promise to myself that i would go to one show this summer by myself. and this is the one i picked. what better show i figured than my fav band. it was soooo refreshing to not have to worry about entertaining my friends when they get bored. or feeling restricted in any way because of their presence.
the knitting factory was packed full of cute gay girls. it was a bit overwhelming really. and i got hit on more times than i would have imagined. i guess i screamed single or something. there was one girl though who definatly caught my eye. id seen her before a couple monthes ago at an anti war march in la. i remember that i wore my glasses that day and as i recall she didnt even notice me. and of course i didnt say anything to her. well tonight she definatly noticed me. she smiled multiple times and such. the whole thing made me all giddy. but in the end i once again didnt have the guts to talk to her. i must find her though! i really really want to talk to her and i just need one more chance. when you think about it la really isnt that big of a city now is it? so where do cute, political, gay girls with great musical taste hang out? ok ill broaden my search a bit. where do gay girls hang out in general? im telling you i must find her!
yeah so ive been talking to stephanie like every day since i finally apologized to her. shes pissed off cause she cant access suicidegirls from iraq what with it being a porn site and all. but when she gets back she totally wants to apply to be a suicide girl. and let me tell you, shes definatly sg material. but the more i talk to her the more i wish i never would have contacted her. it was so much easier just living with my guilt. now ive got this sadness everytime we talk because i know itll be awhile till ill see her. i miss her more now than i did before. everything just sucks!
i think ill go put on my fav sad songs and just lay on the floor for a bit. theres alot i need to think about.
the knitting factory was packed full of cute gay girls. it was a bit overwhelming really. and i got hit on more times than i would have imagined. i guess i screamed single or something. there was one girl though who definatly caught my eye. id seen her before a couple monthes ago at an anti war march in la. i remember that i wore my glasses that day and as i recall she didnt even notice me. and of course i didnt say anything to her. well tonight she definatly noticed me. she smiled multiple times and such. the whole thing made me all giddy. but in the end i once again didnt have the guts to talk to her. i must find her though! i really really want to talk to her and i just need one more chance. when you think about it la really isnt that big of a city now is it? so where do cute, political, gay girls with great musical taste hang out? ok ill broaden my search a bit. where do gay girls hang out in general? im telling you i must find her!
yeah so ive been talking to stephanie like every day since i finally apologized to her. shes pissed off cause she cant access suicidegirls from iraq what with it being a porn site and all. but when she gets back she totally wants to apply to be a suicide girl. and let me tell you, shes definatly sg material. but the more i talk to her the more i wish i never would have contacted her. it was so much easier just living with my guilt. now ive got this sadness everytime we talk because i know itll be awhile till ill see her. i miss her more now than i did before. everything just sucks!
i think ill go put on my fav sad songs and just lay on the floor for a bit. theres alot i need to think about.
I'm still looking for girls in general. I think they have a vast network of intelligence operatives working around the clock to avoid me. I don't know. Maybe they're just outside, who knows.