mmmm. everything is just wonderful. slowly eating some banana chunk fudge ice cream and lounging around in my favorite plaid boy shorts has got a smile on my face.
i made a summer mix cd with songs from spoon, belle and sebastian, arab strap, superdrag, supergrass, air, ash, etc. listening to it over and over again has made me feel all giddy and girly. like im falling in love.
but not.
i have a feeling that the next week is really gonna rock. tegan and sara are playing at the knitting factory on thursday. im so fucking excited!!! its gonna be the absolute best. i must add that ive got a major crush on sara. shes the absolute cutest. her and sg robin are definatly tied for my top crush. when i say crush though i mean my kinda crush. when i crush on people i totally dont think like oh id love to fuck them or oh theyre so hot. no i dont. honest. i think things like they seem pretty cool. and fantasize about how cool it would be if i were theyre neighbor and stuff like that. what can i say, im lame.
riiiggghhht. so.
hmm what else. oh yeah the sounds are gonna be at amoeba on monday the 21st. i will be there, you should too. thatll be fun. oh and im gonna see 311 on friday. yes this is gonna be a lovely week.
i want to watch moonlight mile. maybe i will go and rent it. yes. yes i think ill do that. right now to be exact. what a lovely way to spend the rest of my day.
hmm ive got tomorrow off. and thursday. and monday. oh what oh what will i do with all this spare time? i think i want to go see p of the c tomorrow. im yet to see it. hmm who will go with me?
i made a summer mix cd with songs from spoon, belle and sebastian, arab strap, superdrag, supergrass, air, ash, etc. listening to it over and over again has made me feel all giddy and girly. like im falling in love.
but not.
i have a feeling that the next week is really gonna rock. tegan and sara are playing at the knitting factory on thursday. im so fucking excited!!! its gonna be the absolute best. i must add that ive got a major crush on sara. shes the absolute cutest. her and sg robin are definatly tied for my top crush. when i say crush though i mean my kinda crush. when i crush on people i totally dont think like oh id love to fuck them or oh theyre so hot. no i dont. honest. i think things like they seem pretty cool. and fantasize about how cool it would be if i were theyre neighbor and stuff like that. what can i say, im lame.
riiiggghhht. so.
hmm what else. oh yeah the sounds are gonna be at amoeba on monday the 21st. i will be there, you should too. thatll be fun. oh and im gonna see 311 on friday. yes this is gonna be a lovely week.
i want to watch moonlight mile. maybe i will go and rent it. yes. yes i think ill do that. right now to be exact. what a lovely way to spend the rest of my day.
hmm ive got tomorrow off. and thursday. and monday. oh what oh what will i do with all this spare time? i think i want to go see p of the c tomorrow. im yet to see it. hmm who will go with me?
rocks are peices of petrified poop that have fallen from heaven
wow carry rocks? i didn't have to do that when i was in my intro geo class come to think about it i never had to literally carry them around with me i just left mine in the lab. if you need any help you know who to ask though 

Thanks doll!