i saw the french movie l'auberge espagnole last night at the academy theatre on colorado. it was great. go see it! now! it was about a french boy who travels to barcelona on a study abroad type trip and the people he encounters. i really really liked it. in fact i want to see it again. oh who will go see it with me? and it made me want to travel. id really really like to travel to europe. ive got the cash. i just need a traveling partner in crime.
warped tour was fun. all my friends got along thank god! i saw robin and claudia and amina, but i didnt say hi. lets just say that i was high and drunk enough to where i didnt think that approaching them was neccessarily the smartest thing for me to do. oh well maybe next time.
so does anyone remember the few times ive brought up the story of my friend stephanie. if not ill do a short recap. i had a best friend who looks like sg katie. (and yes she really does look very similar to katie. multiple people have confirmed it. and she has a similar personality. and she has lots of tattoos and stuff. lets just say shed make a perfect sg herself.) so anyway we were best friends. then one day i really jacked up and decided that i didnt want to be friends with her. i wanted to hang out with the surfers and skaters at school instead. (yes the whole thing was very juvinial and i acted really really immaturly) anyway ive regretted it ever since. after high school she joined the army and is currently in iraq. i havent spoken to her in over a year.
that is untill today. i finally found out her email address and emailed her a lengthy appology, to which she sent one forgiving me along with two emails filled with lovely catching up type stuff. i feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. and i feel happier than i can ever remember feeling.
what would make you happy?
warped tour was fun. all my friends got along thank god! i saw robin and claudia and amina, but i didnt say hi. lets just say that i was high and drunk enough to where i didnt think that approaching them was neccessarily the smartest thing for me to do. oh well maybe next time.
so does anyone remember the few times ive brought up the story of my friend stephanie. if not ill do a short recap. i had a best friend who looks like sg katie. (and yes she really does look very similar to katie. multiple people have confirmed it. and she has a similar personality. and she has lots of tattoos and stuff. lets just say shed make a perfect sg herself.) so anyway we were best friends. then one day i really jacked up and decided that i didnt want to be friends with her. i wanted to hang out with the surfers and skaters at school instead. (yes the whole thing was very juvinial and i acted really really immaturly) anyway ive regretted it ever since. after high school she joined the army and is currently in iraq. i havent spoken to her in over a year.
that is untill today. i finally found out her email address and emailed her a lengthy appology, to which she sent one forgiving me along with two emails filled with lovely catching up type stuff. i feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. and i feel happier than i can ever remember feeling.
what would make you happy?
you have greeeeeat taste in music and movies by the way