so friday my dad and i were helping a family friend get ready for her daughters 8th grade graduation party when things started backing up and it came time to pick up her kids. to save time she gave me the keys to her $80,000 suv and asked me to go get them plus the kids she picks up for her friends. so i went to go pick them up at school which just happens to be my old dear catholic elementary school. it was kinda weird going and seeing my old teachers and stuff. plus i didnt recognize any of the plaid clad school kids. alot of my old teachers didnt recognize me, which i take as a compliment. i kinda enjoyed picking up the kids (6 of them by the way) and it made me feel kinda old, but in a good way. i took them all home and was marvaling at what a good job i was doing of taking care of all them. i was even thinking that maybe growing up, getting married, and having a few kids wasnt really that bad of a future after all. maybe this domestic mom stuff would actually be kinda rewarding. then i got a call on my cell from our family friend. apparantly she forgot to tell me about one of the high school kids, so i had forgotten to pick him up. i had to go get him and he was like the only kid still standing there, poor boy. he didnt mind though, he kinda has a crush on me. maybe this routine mom stuffs a bit harder than i though. oh well i tried.
and thats the important thing. trying. right?
bah name change .. freaked me out.