yeah so i visited my friend in santa barbara. cheered her up quite a bit. i definatly have to go back on a weekend and party it up. she lives on like freaking party row. its awsome. and shes surrounded by sororities and fraternities blah. seriously. her neighboring appartment is delta delta delta. how gross is that.
yesterday was like a fucking high school reunion. i got a call from a guy who i knew in high school. hes in the army now and called me from georgia. i couldnt believe it, it took me quite by surprise. it was nice to talk to him though. i talked to him for like 45 minutes and thats like record time for me. i absolutly hate talking on the phone because i have the shortest attention span in the world. it just doesnt go over well.
and then i got a weird message from a guy friend i kinda secretly hooked up with at my begining of summer party last year. the message was all cryptic and i think you should call me back like. i didnt. so he called me and turns out our little secret is out, a whole year later! theres only five people who know what happened that night and apparantly it got out. this is bad. for one hes one of my friends exboyfriends and theres that unspoken rule that you dont mess around with friends' exboys right after they break up. and secondly he had a girlfriend at the time and still does. shes pissed. haha she never really liked me anyway. so apparantly this is big news amongst our old group at our old high school. its so stupid cause were not even in high school anymore so why the hell are they still talking about us. the whole thing is stupid and pathetic. normaly i wouldnt give a fuck who found out but im really scared that ive hurt my friend and shell hate me forever. i kinda just got her back too. grrrrrr. and the guys girlfriend wants to confront me about it or something. how annoying. that doesnt really matter though. id kick her ass easily.
im tired of all this stupid bullshit. people still havent gotten it through their heads that i dont care about what they think or what they say. i never did before, why should i now? im so over all this. my remedy though for all this stress is to put on the sounds cd followed up by some distillers and sing at the top of my lungs!!! that will instantly put me in a better mood.
yesterday was like a fucking high school reunion. i got a call from a guy who i knew in high school. hes in the army now and called me from georgia. i couldnt believe it, it took me quite by surprise. it was nice to talk to him though. i talked to him for like 45 minutes and thats like record time for me. i absolutly hate talking on the phone because i have the shortest attention span in the world. it just doesnt go over well.
and then i got a weird message from a guy friend i kinda secretly hooked up with at my begining of summer party last year. the message was all cryptic and i think you should call me back like. i didnt. so he called me and turns out our little secret is out, a whole year later! theres only five people who know what happened that night and apparantly it got out. this is bad. for one hes one of my friends exboyfriends and theres that unspoken rule that you dont mess around with friends' exboys right after they break up. and secondly he had a girlfriend at the time and still does. shes pissed. haha she never really liked me anyway. so apparantly this is big news amongst our old group at our old high school. its so stupid cause were not even in high school anymore so why the hell are they still talking about us. the whole thing is stupid and pathetic. normaly i wouldnt give a fuck who found out but im really scared that ive hurt my friend and shell hate me forever. i kinda just got her back too. grrrrrr. and the guys girlfriend wants to confront me about it or something. how annoying. that doesnt really matter though. id kick her ass easily.
im tired of all this stupid bullshit. people still havent gotten it through their heads that i dont care about what they think or what they say. i never did before, why should i now? im so over all this. my remedy though for all this stress is to put on the sounds cd followed up by some distillers and sing at the top of my lungs!!! that will instantly put me in a better mood.
yeah word up hooray for music making everybody happier.
sometimes people screw up and a lot of changing can happen in a year. the girl should be mad at her boyfriend not you. you don't owe her anything.