im home thank god. the trip was nice, nothing dynamic happened of course. and it was just perfect in length. long enough for me to have some time to my self and yet also near the end, crave home. my favorite part about going on vacation is buying tacky souvenirs for my friends. its our thing. we never buy each other nice souvenirs, only the tackiest most revolting things we can find. i bought some definate winners. theyre gonna love um. i also found two kick ass trucker hats for myself. im gonna wear um prodly every day this week.
yeah so we did some usual vacation thing. we went to six flags st. louis. it was the crappiest place i have ever gone. there is no way i would ever go back there. we also went to memphis to visit graceland. that was kinda neat. and we saw the great st. louis arc. it was big and stupid. pointless really.
my aunt and uncle just had a baby, john. he was 8 weeks. im not a big fan of babies. i absolutly love kids when there like 2 but younger than that they bug me. they cry and fuss and sleep and crap. i cant stand the sound of babies crying either. theyre just plain annoying. i always figured that if i wanted kids when i got older id adopt. that way i dont have to deal with the infant stage and i get to skip the wonderful process of actually having birth. blah
yeah so im pretty tired. i havent slept much in the last few days. i put up some pics of my trip in the my pics section. sticking to my plan theyre of course polaroids. the old pics got enrased when sg had that whole crach thingy a few weeks ago. i havent decided if im gonna put um back up or not. okay enough babbling. i know im being incredibly boring so sorry but i really cant think of anything interesting to say. blah. i dont want to go to work.
yeah so we did some usual vacation thing. we went to six flags st. louis. it was the crappiest place i have ever gone. there is no way i would ever go back there. we also went to memphis to visit graceland. that was kinda neat. and we saw the great st. louis arc. it was big and stupid. pointless really.
my aunt and uncle just had a baby, john. he was 8 weeks. im not a big fan of babies. i absolutly love kids when there like 2 but younger than that they bug me. they cry and fuss and sleep and crap. i cant stand the sound of babies crying either. theyre just plain annoying. i always figured that if i wanted kids when i got older id adopt. that way i dont have to deal with the infant stage and i get to skip the wonderful process of actually having birth. blah
yeah so im pretty tired. i havent slept much in the last few days. i put up some pics of my trip in the my pics section. sticking to my plan theyre of course polaroids. the old pics got enrased when sg had that whole crach thingy a few weeks ago. i havent decided if im gonna put um back up or not. okay enough babbling. i know im being incredibly boring so sorry but i really cant think of anything interesting to say. blah. i dont want to go to work.
Welcome back....
I'm glad you had a safe trip. Tennessee's my home state. I never liked Memphis much, though. I always got into to trouble, when visiting. I grew up with cows, goats, ducks, chicken, etc. Being in the city, I miss nature a lot. Good pic of Henry.