I havent really been up to much since my last update, I have mainly been working and sick with a cold that I got from London. So I missed alwaysbeingblue cooking my dinner, but she did promise she will cook for me tomorrow. And I am all better now.
I have been working on my new set of flash which I will share with you soon. its very exciting!
Oh getting dressed! Too much choice, its so hard being a girl!!

* done all my washing and put it away.
* finished a sheet of flash and started another.
* tended to the garden, it was boiling today.
* took the dogs to the vets for their boosters, it was very stressful. Betty is quite feisty around other dogs and a dog came out of the vets room looking as if it had been given some kind of anaesthetic. It was staggering around and couldnt really see properly and the lady was very upset. Frank and betty watched it like a hawk and just as the vet said just try to keep him nice and calm, on queue they went mad, barking and trying to get free of their leads.

* more colouring.
* a bit of weight training, I need to get extra fit for my holiday to spain in 3 weeks
* bought a tent for the leeds festival next weekend, how exciting! Poor kogii is going to have to carry it and it weighs a ton! I have never been camping before, I just need some wellies now!

As promised here is a pic of my new hair!!! It wasnt what I asked for but I am just starting to get used to it now, its so short!

Ok, off to bed.

..Good night

Your new hair looks great and I absolutely adore your botom! X
yes I have finally recovered from the weekend... ...Thanks for lots of fun! This week is mental... ack!
I hope your well...
See you soon! x kisses x