* been looking after my dog frank as he has had an upset tummy. he has not been his normal naughty self! he usually jumps all over me when he sees me and he has just been lying on the floor, not even wagging his tail! but he has been to the vets and he is much better today. i am glad to have him misbehaving again!

* i have had a great time in london this weekend for alwaysbeingblue's birthday celebrations. it was really good to catch up with a load of you and to get to chat properly. nickysonic and thenonstopdancer were very kind and they took us somewhere great for dinner and led us to some anazing bookshops. i spent far too much money!!

* i have been thinking a lot recently, about some of my friends relationships and thinking that what a relationship should really be is a partnership where two people make each other happier and more secure. they should encourage and help each other and change each others life in a positive way. i find that so many of my friends are in partnerships where they are making each other unhappy and insecure, and instead of making the effort to do good things for each other they seem to put all their efforts into bickering and putting down the person they are supposed to love! i feel frustrated that they are staying in relationships that are so destructive. i think that friendships should be the same, a real friend is not someone who makes you feel insecure about yourself, but should be someone who helps you to discover the things that are great about you and they should help and encourage you not hold you back. well, it may all seem pretty obvious stuff but i think that there are so many people that put up with crappy so-called friends or partners and it can be to the detrement of their own life. sorry, that all got very serious..........
* on a lighter note i am going to see charlie and the chocolate factory tomorrow, oh and the wonka chocolate bars are amazing!

*alwaysbeingblue has promised to cook a lovely dinner for me this week

* oh yes and i had a haircut! its quite drastic for me, well its a long story but i didn't expect it to be so short! i am getting used to it now so i will take some pics for you all to see. i really need to take more photos, i just forget though!
thats all for now, hope you all had a good weekend

Thanks for your journal comment. Glad you are enjoying your yoga practice. I have been at it since 1992 when i started going to Hatha Yoga classes ( i am a little older then you
Since 1998 I have been practicing Astanga Yoga 5-6 days a week for about 2-2.5 hours a day (first thing in the morning). I have been teaching part time since 2000 and have done numerous teacher training certifications the latest and most wonderful being with Richard Freeman in Boulder, Colorado this June
Richard Freeman
What style do you practice and where do you go for your classes?