*ha ha ha , i'm in detroit. how exciting, we have only been here a few hours now. i can't wait for the convention to start. there will be so many amazing tattooists, and a lot of fun to be had i think! oh and shopping i hope!
*here is a pic of a tattoo i finished just before i came away.
*also thanx to everyone for all the lovely comments about my fish.
*we are planning to go to the burlesque show at the hub in cheltenham on the 25th march, it should be a giggle, i havent been to one before and i am hoping to meet loadsa the other girls.
*we had a great weekend with a lot of dancing and whiskey. took out a disposable camera so we will have to wait for those pics i'm afraid.
*anyway we are off to explore detroit, i will update when i can with lotsa pics for you hopefully.
I have a great pic of you sleeping under your table in San Diego...