well, texas chainsaw massacre scared the pants off me on saturday
ha ha ha! its all good fun though.
on sunday i bought a new fish, its the funniest thing in the world, its called parsley.
monday mornings are guite wierd for me because i dont want to go to work really (i just want another day off because it goes so guickly), but when i get there i always enjoy it! and i did!
i am putting some pics up of my first set that got rejected
check out the rest in my pics.
i will also be putting up some pics of my mates soon, i am just learning how to do it all so i am a bit slow.
its my day off tomorrow so i am going shopping with my mom.
take care sweeties
on sunday i bought a new fish, its the funniest thing in the world, its called parsley.
monday mornings are guite wierd for me because i dont want to go to work really (i just want another day off because it goes so guickly), but when i get there i always enjoy it! and i did!
i am putting some pics up of my first set that got rejected
check out the rest in my pics.
i will also be putting up some pics of my mates soon, i am just learning how to do it all so i am a bit slow.
its my day off tomorrow so i am going shopping with my mom.
take care sweeties
My Limbo sister, do-hi-tsu. This is to let you, my limbo sister, know that I love you and all Limbo girls rock. Don't let the man get you down. You are powerful & pretty and we all want to see you naked!
aka Windy Moon (March)