just a quick update to let you know what i have been up to:
* my computer broke so i had to buy a new laptop and it is all diferent to the old one (so no pics for the moment). but to be honest i was more excited about the bag, its so dreamy!
* berin was good, i love the food there! i got to do some cool tattoos while i was there although it was a flying visit! i think i may be working fankfurt and california next year, and definatley calgary

* so since getting back i have been a whirlwind of xmas shopping and although i have not finished yet it is going well. i am hoping to have it done soon. i love all the present wrapping!
*going for a works xmas dinner on sat which should be really good. god knows what i will be getting, i couldn't understand half of the menu! then a family get together on sunday so hope i am not too hung-over!
* i have put my studio in the directory so if anyone wants to leave a nice message that would be lovely!
*saw the lovely munch today so i could design his tattoo, then we dragged him round xmas shopping! sorry mate!
have a goodweek sweeties and i will update with pics soon