i don't know how it happened but i managed to pull 2 hot ladies on saturday so that kept me busy all night!

lucky lucky me!
so i thought i would include some pics of my pulling outfit!

sorry the pics are such bad quality but you get the idea.

what else have i been up to?
ian brown was a big pile of poo! he was due to come on about 9-9.30, he didn't come on until 10.30 and the curfew was 11!!!!!!!! by this point the crowd were really pissed and rowdy, there was no explanation until he came on. when he came on he said that someone had spilt a drink in the mixing desk and the mics weren't working, he then told the crowd off for booing at the engineers who were trying to fix it!! they weren't booing at them, they were booing at him!! so he started the first song, the crowd went mad and someone threw a plastic cup on stage. so then he stopped the show, got them to put all the lights on asking who had done it and saying that if anyone elso does that there will be no show! what a fucking diva!!! he was good apart from that but i don't know if he still did a full set because i left as i had work the next day. i am glad i saw him but i won't be going again!
the diference between his attitude and the white stripes was unbelievable. at the end of the white stripes show jack and meg held hands and took a bow and thanked everyone for coming and for buying their cd's. they seemed as if they couldn't believe the success that they had, they seemed very genuine. then ian brown just had the attitude that you were lucky to get to see him at all!
it has been great working with alwaysbeingblue, who should change her name to neverbeingblueagain!
we are hitting the gym together this week which should be cool. i have got her addicted to chicken and chilli wrap with salad now, yummy!
we are also going to the clothes show with the beautiful kogii on sunday, i am really excited about that. hopefully i can get some more xmas pressies as well as a little treat or two for me!
i am gonna be tattooing munch in the new year so he will be coming up to visit me soon to sort out the design, i am looking forward to seeing him.
i should be tattooing fanny and missredcherry soon too!
finally a pic of my little monsters!

*4 weeks to xmas and 10 days to berlin!*

hope everyone has a good week
