Well today I went to work. I wore a back brace, and so now all my muscles in my back are really tense. I could really use a massage right now. Instead I will have to settle for getting drunk in a few hours. I am getting smacked in the face with all of this valentines crap at the bakery. Heart shaped this and heart shaped that. People are gulible and retarded.
More Blogs
Sunday Feb 27, 2005
My Prince Albert is healing nicely. It still hurts a little but noth… -
Friday Feb 25, 2005
Well I just got a Prince Albert piercing done yesterday. Best pierci… -
Monday Feb 21, 2005
Well I am certified retard. I gave up trying. That wasn't what was … -
Friday Feb 18, 2005
Right now I feel like complete shit, so I am going to take this time … -
Thursday Feb 17, 2005
Everyone is a failure. But some people are losers. I am not a loser. -
Tuesday Feb 15, 2005
Well I can't say I succeeded, and I can't say I failed. She is comin… -
Monday Feb 14, 2005
Here is another valentines day. Over the years I have grown more and… -
Saturday Feb 12, 2005
It is 7am and I am awake.......I don't know why. I got piss drunk la… -
Thursday Feb 10, 2005
Well today I went to work. I wore a back brace, and so now all my mu… -
Wednesday Feb 09, 2005
Well I have been out of work today and yesterday. My back has been o…