I hate Weddings.
What a pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of marriage and hope to get married one day. However, the actual wedding itself seems to be nothing but one headache after another.
I have a friend who is getting married this weekend. She has met a good guy who treats her right. They have a big wedding planned for the weekend. Nothing but trouble. The Groom and my Tux does not fit, the DJ is worthless, my friend is absolutely psychotic (more than normal) because nothing is going her way, and there is all sorts of family in town that they do not want to see.
I say fuck it. Go to the court house, get married, and just surround yourself with people you want there.
Actually I think I am just grumpy I have to dress up (in a monkey suit no less) and shave. Damn. I like being the unkempt Scottish guy.
Wait a minute. I forgot about the free beer!
I love weddings.
What a pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of marriage and hope to get married one day. However, the actual wedding itself seems to be nothing but one headache after another.
I have a friend who is getting married this weekend. She has met a good guy who treats her right. They have a big wedding planned for the weekend. Nothing but trouble. The Groom and my Tux does not fit, the DJ is worthless, my friend is absolutely psychotic (more than normal) because nothing is going her way, and there is all sorts of family in town that they do not want to see.
I say fuck it. Go to the court house, get married, and just surround yourself with people you want there.
Actually I think I am just grumpy I have to dress up (in a monkey suit no less) and shave. Damn. I like being the unkempt Scottish guy.
Wait a minute. I forgot about the free beer!
I love weddings.