Ow Ow Fuckity Ow Part Two
I got up Friday morning with a goose egg on the base of my skull which was really tender and sore. Since I had martial arts the night before and had the experience of someone trying to kick my thumb off (by the way, mr. white belt, work on aiming at the pad and actually hitting it before putting power into a front kick), I just assumed it was one of the many bumps and bruises I get in a month at Karate. No big deal. Friday turned into Saturday and the "goose Egg" got bigger. Saturday night it started to hurt not only in the lump but in the whole back of my head. Ice did not take the swelling down, Ibuprofin did not take the pain away, etc. It made my whole head hurt. Sunday even worse. It also made me really crabby. My poor co-workers are still wondering why I changed management styles and went from pleasent and easy-going to biting their heads off. Monday I went to the Nurse at work and she stated it was something I need to check out as it is definately not a contusion. There is no redness. Just the swelling and extreme tenderness. Not to mention the pain and now some dizzyness.
Went to see my Doctor on Tuesday. Apperently I have one of two problems, A swollen lymph node (Not as likely according to Doc) or a syst (Most likely). I am to take antibioitics for the next two weeks to see if that helps. (So far, no go...I know it is only been two days but this shit hurts) If it does not go away my ass is going to be on the operating table in the beginning of October and have that sucker cut out. Yeah me!!
Anyway that is what is going on.
Oh and to add to the frustration, everything electronic in our house has gone on the fritz in the last week. Three computers (admittedly, they were dying before this), a fridge, a cable box and a cel phone have all gone schitzophrenic). Long story short, the series of tubes that is the internet is not always working for me until one of us breaks down and buys a new computer.
I got up Friday morning with a goose egg on the base of my skull which was really tender and sore. Since I had martial arts the night before and had the experience of someone trying to kick my thumb off (by the way, mr. white belt, work on aiming at the pad and actually hitting it before putting power into a front kick), I just assumed it was one of the many bumps and bruises I get in a month at Karate. No big deal. Friday turned into Saturday and the "goose Egg" got bigger. Saturday night it started to hurt not only in the lump but in the whole back of my head. Ice did not take the swelling down, Ibuprofin did not take the pain away, etc. It made my whole head hurt. Sunday even worse. It also made me really crabby. My poor co-workers are still wondering why I changed management styles and went from pleasent and easy-going to biting their heads off. Monday I went to the Nurse at work and she stated it was something I need to check out as it is definately not a contusion. There is no redness. Just the swelling and extreme tenderness. Not to mention the pain and now some dizzyness.
Went to see my Doctor on Tuesday. Apperently I have one of two problems, A swollen lymph node (Not as likely according to Doc) or a syst (Most likely). I am to take antibioitics for the next two weeks to see if that helps. (So far, no go...I know it is only been two days but this shit hurts) If it does not go away my ass is going to be on the operating table in the beginning of October and have that sucker cut out. Yeah me!!
Anyway that is what is going on.
Oh and to add to the frustration, everything electronic in our house has gone on the fritz in the last week. Three computers (admittedly, they were dying before this), a fridge, a cable box and a cel phone have all gone schitzophrenic). Long story short, the series of tubes that is the internet is not always working for me until one of us breaks down and buys a new computer.
and electronics, cars, they all suck!
thanks for the congrats....hoping it will help with my job searching next year!