The worst Idea I ever had was to take a part time job during the Christmas season. I have not had a day off in three weeks and I have two more to go. On top of that I have missed every workout at both the gym and martial arts for the last three weeks. I am jonesing for a workout. A good tiring workout. The kind where you come home take a shower and veg out for 30 minutes and feel the comfortable ache in your muscles.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 30, 2004
More Recomendations: - Excellent author of… -
Tuesday Nov 30, 2004
I went out tonight and am just a wee bit tipsy (it is Friday to me). … -
Saturday Nov 27, 2004
Holiday is over. Family left town (Thank God). Best friend left town … -
Tuesday Nov 23, 2004
As childish and immature as the show is I have to say I love Viva La … -
Monday Nov 22, 2004
Snoop dooggy dog need a (new) jobby job. (but I'm not bitter) Only 27… -
Wednesday Nov 17, 2004
Head cold's suck. Oh and best comment taken out of context t… -
Monday Nov 15, 2004
Wedding is over. Thank God. Panic attacks. Drunk groomsmen (befor… -
Thursday Nov 11, 2004
I hate Weddings. What a pain in the ass. Don't get me wrong, I lov… -
Tuesday Nov 09, 2004
I want to update my journal with a ton of information but by the time… -
Saturday Nov 06, 2004
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt o…