So, UT3. WHY IS THERE A PLOT? SERIOUSLY. And the bot intel SUCKS. Like most other things in life, you want something done right...
MY DAUGHTER IS GOING AROUND BEATBOXING!! I just noticed it today, she must've picked it up from me doing it around the house. Me and the wife had this youtube-retro thing goin on last night. Safety Dance, A-Ha, Land Down Under, Wham, and I broke out the MJ. Yeah, he may be mentally whack, but his singing, and his dancing? CHRIS BROWN GOTS A WAYS TO GO!!! First thing he'd have to do is dump Rihanna. Anyways, my daughter was dancing, like lifting the feet and stuff. Cute as hell. She's started kicking too. I'm not sure if I wanna start her this young, or let her get older then let her decide if she wants to learn to fight or what...
I had dinner with a friend of mine who stepped back, and stepped forward. He helped me get my mind right. I went on a job interview today. Place is undergoing major growth while the field is dwindling...may be a good time to get my foot in the door. But, if they quoted me right, I'd be paying more for insurance for my family than I pay for my mortgage. Without dental. I can only step back so far. I'll wait and see what they offer me if they're interested. I think they will be, it seemed to go well. Meantime, bite the bullet, my work doesn't need me till Sat night. Seems I may miss the tattoo conv in Reading my little brother's gonna be working in. A friend of mine wants to go, wants to see hot tattooed chicks. I'll keep my eyes open...
MY DAUGHTER IS GOING AROUND BEATBOXING!! I just noticed it today, she must've picked it up from me doing it around the house. Me and the wife had this youtube-retro thing goin on last night. Safety Dance, A-Ha, Land Down Under, Wham, and I broke out the MJ. Yeah, he may be mentally whack, but his singing, and his dancing? CHRIS BROWN GOTS A WAYS TO GO!!! First thing he'd have to do is dump Rihanna. Anyways, my daughter was dancing, like lifting the feet and stuff. Cute as hell. She's started kicking too. I'm not sure if I wanna start her this young, or let her get older then let her decide if she wants to learn to fight or what...
I had dinner with a friend of mine who stepped back, and stepped forward. He helped me get my mind right. I went on a job interview today. Place is undergoing major growth while the field is dwindling...may be a good time to get my foot in the door. But, if they quoted me right, I'd be paying more for insurance for my family than I pay for my mortgage. Without dental. I can only step back so far. I'll wait and see what they offer me if they're interested. I think they will be, it seemed to go well. Meantime, bite the bullet, my work doesn't need me till Sat night. Seems I may miss the tattoo conv in Reading my little brother's gonna be working in. A friend of mine wants to go, wants to see hot tattooed chicks. I'll keep my eyes open...