So the other day I try the racetracks. Never did that before. I take the odds on favorite for show. How hard is it for the odds on horse to get into the top 3 spots? Evidently, pretty hard. The long odds horse wins. Fine, if this is how we're gonna the next bet I make I specifically ask for the longest odds horse. For show. All he's gotta do is beat the odds and get into the top 3. While we're standing there waiting for the race to start, the odds change. My horse was 60-1 odds. Next thing you know , there's another horse that's like 80-1. Not only does that horse go and skew the odds for me, he goes on to win. And my horse didn't beat the odds. No idea if he finished or not. Not sure, but I think the universe may chuckle at my expense...
Hey your name sounds familiar.. I am from c-love too..