Thanksgiving. Back in my younger days, when I could eat like there was no tomorrow, I used to love this day. Considering most days at work leave me with barely enough time to eat a hot pocket, a couple packs of crackers, and maybe some cookies, I think my stomach shrunk. Plus I'm wise enough to know it's not worth feeling miserable from overeating.
So today we had dinner at my parents house. My wife still can't tolerate my family's dinners too well - my parents raised 3 boys. It gets a bit loud. My daughter spent her first Thanksgiving sitting in her highchair, taking it all in. I spent alot of time reflecting why my brother's kid is another arguement for me to clock crazy OT so the wife can stay home and raise my kid.
Someone gets paid $8.50/hr to watch other's people kids just isn't vested in your kid like you would be. Good luck getting much effort from anyone in this country for $8.50/hr. Especially around here. I've heard in national chains, our local establishments always take the bottom spot. Some sort of inherent laziness/entitlement attitude. I mean even our Wal-Mart greeters are too lazy to say "Welcome to Wal-Mart." They just watch you walk in. The guy with Down's Syndrome tried the hardest and does the best. Maybe he's just happy with what the position is, as opposed to what it isn't...still say DJ at the nudie bar would be MY dream job.
No, check that, I wanna be the SG set approval board....
So today we had dinner at my parents house. My wife still can't tolerate my family's dinners too well - my parents raised 3 boys. It gets a bit loud. My daughter spent her first Thanksgiving sitting in her highchair, taking it all in. I spent alot of time reflecting why my brother's kid is another arguement for me to clock crazy OT so the wife can stay home and raise my kid.
Someone gets paid $8.50/hr to watch other's people kids just isn't vested in your kid like you would be. Good luck getting much effort from anyone in this country for $8.50/hr. Especially around here. I've heard in national chains, our local establishments always take the bottom spot. Some sort of inherent laziness/entitlement attitude. I mean even our Wal-Mart greeters are too lazy to say "Welcome to Wal-Mart." They just watch you walk in. The guy with Down's Syndrome tried the hardest and does the best. Maybe he's just happy with what the position is, as opposed to what it isn't...still say DJ at the nudie bar would be MY dream job.
No, check that, I wanna be the SG set approval board....
it is so easy to get distracted with in those 2-4 years tho! i dont have the attention span to get a college degree!! lol shit i cant even keep my major the same from semester to semester! i know i need the degree, i just dont like all the bull shit i have to do to get it. and all the fluff classes i have to take to get there, like who the hell really wants to spend their money on a college class on volleyball?!?! but i had to do it!
hahahaha, best journal entry ever. gotta love america...