just, pick one, or, the other, frank! quit, playin'...
question #1) i get this one a lot. so, frank, or god, or, crazy fucker, what's with all the, foul language, and, bad grammar, and, all that? don't you, think that, maybe, more people would, listen' to ya, iffn you, like, didn't curse so, doggone much? answer #1) well, uh, FUCK NO, BOZO! you want i should get all, 'thee' and 'thou' with you, think, that might help? lookee here, shithook; has it, worked, yet? anyone paying attention to, that, SHAKESPEAREAN crap? did they, ever? maybe, you'd like, me, to, speak LATIN, at ya, huh? didn't, think so, numbnuts. this, is, how you, meaning people as a, whole, talk, more or less, right? no, fancy crap, a little slang, here, and there, a little, or, a lot, of cussin', dependin' on, present company and/or, circumstances or, whatnot. right. so, this, is how frank, god, psycho dude, talks, to you. in, the, local vernacular, with, the, current lingo, gringo. not, expecting to, reach many of the, 45 and, above crowd, anyways, so...next question. #2) are you, like, all-powerful? answer #2) HELL NO! don't i, wish! no, you see, if i, was, then, the earth, would, have been RENT ASUNDER, long before i, turned like, fourteen! hormones, and, all, that, adolescent bullshit. you don't go givin' a toddler, nuclear weapons, do you? what we got here is, a, reverse WIZARD OF OZ deal. i am, that is, frank, here, in his, corporeal form, is, the AVATAR, the user-friendly interface, the earthbound incarnation of, god. at, this point, just a, dude, with his, mental acuity, goin' way, way, off scale. now, i know purty much near most of ya'll remember the STAR TREK episode, with APOLLO? of course you do! ran that one, slap into the ground, didn't they? you, had your, 'god', in one place, and, his, for lack of a better term, power supply, elsewhere. what you, got, with me, is, frank, down here on good ol' earth, and, his, power supply, back at the house, so to speak, in dimension Z. GO AHEAD AND TRY TO FIND IT. more power to ya, so to speak! i may not have immediate access to the whole, uh, PLETHORA of godly superpowers, at this very instant, but you see, frank's always been a, bit hair-triggered, rage-wise, and is, just plain, too unstable, presently to, be, packin' the, FORCE, in a, like, major way. no, sir, not, a good idea, at, this time. i'm, workin' up to it, mind, but for the, time being, i'm a, combination, ambassador/field operative/undercover, observer, kind of guy. question #3) uh, why so many, like, different gods, and religions, and, uh, hell, why is/are all of your, god, personas so, changeable? answer #3) 'cause all you asswipes, just, don't, listen to me, in, whatever, shape/form/disposition/demeanor i, try! seems, as if, since i, ain't, to your knowledge, actually, physically present, like, ever, ya'll think you can, just, worship any old, thing, that, pops into, your, tiny little heads! this is due, partly, to the anti-authority component of your psychological makeup being cranked just a tad too high. not to mention, kinda, poorly focused, too. kinda my fault, but, also, kinda yours, too, i, can, adjust the volume, so, to speak, but the direction it goes in is, up, to you. mostly. question #4) the, big one, the, one they made that, movie, about, WHY? why, are we here, what's, it all for, what, is the purpose of, existence? mine. yours. everyone's. WHY. it's funny, isn't it, how the, most, difficult questions often have the, simplest answers, and the, simple questions, have the, most incomprehensible answers? well, you're gonna love, this, one. answer #4) because, OK. why, does anybody do, anything? why do, people, climb mount everest, why do, we, hurl probes into space, why does, the, chicken, cross the fuckin' road? because, it's, something, to do; because, there's, nothing good on, TV, because being god, is, BORING! that's, why. there you, have it. if you won at, EVERYTHING, if you couldn't even, possibly, lose, AT ANYTHING, how long, do you think it would be before you, were bored out of, your skull? notice how, if, you use game cheats, all the time, the game becomes, pointless, because there's no, real, sense of winning or losing, there's no, real, sense of anything, at all, because there's no, challenge, there's nothing, at stake, whatsoever. it's just, same old, same old. but life, real, actual life, doesn't have, cheat codes (but you can still cheat, of course), it doesn't have, save points, and, if you die, you, really fucking die. get it? life, is a game, but, with no resets, no, health packs, and no, extra lives. it's a real, challenge. it's the ultimate, GOD GAME. and when, god, plays, it's the same as when, you, play, a game, you, have set conditions, and parameters, and (if you, are NOT using, cheat codes) the, same baseline abilities as, any other player. and the REASON we are all here, is, to do things, and buy stuff. that's pretty much it folks, LIFE, is, boiled down to it's constituent parts, simply, something to do. that's, the big SECRET OF EVERYTHING! it's the ENDS, and the MEANS, all wrapped up together, for your enjoyment, at home, at work, or wherever you are. it is, what it is. the secret of life, is to learn the secret of life. that's why STEPHEN KING's, DARK TOWER ended the way it did, that's why, in ASTEROIDS, when you fly off the screen on one side, you, simultaneously fly in the other...there's just no other way to do things, than to do things. chew on that, for a spell. i'll be back...