i said, don't touch that.
from the summit of OLYMPUS MONS, it's LOST HIGHWAY, live on 6.6.6 IM, radio KALI, with your host, and worst nightmare, frank cotton! how's it goin', frank! glad you asked, frank! it's been fan-fucking-tastic the last few days, and to keep things on an up note, we'll be saving the last bit of that large slab of darkness we put out last week, for a tad longer. tonight, we're gonna be lightening things up a smidgen. you just heard, CHANGING, new from THE AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT, off of, wouldn't you fucking know it, the CHANGING album. dammit. DIAMOND EYES (hey, didn't DEFTONES have an album/song by that name, last year?), from SHINEDOWN, offa, hey, FRANK! you have GOT to see THIS, offa their new CD, DIAMOND EYES! i see a copyright throwdown over this, for sure. MY BODY, YOUNG THE GIANT, for fuck's sake, people, won't you even try? off of YOUNG THE GIANT. and lastly, PORN STAR DANCING, no message or anything, i just like it, MY DARKEST DAYS, and, ya got to love that name, too, off, oh, give me a godamned break, MY DARKEST DAYS. no, frank, i, will not let this, trivial bullshit, spoil my mood. i do think i'll have, one a them KLONOPINs, just in case. tonight's WORD is, ROOT CAUSE. the THOUGHT is, from CHARLIE SHEEN, and i have to say, i admire his blatant, brash, bold, and, well, frank-like attitude. 'if i'm insane, i'm OK with it...this is not an act.'; i think i'll engrave that on, somethin' or other! and tonight, i RECOMMEND, GERBER LEGENDARY BLADES. franks been a customer since, 1980, or thereabouts, and wishes, that all companies were half as good. if you've got a need, to do some serious stabbin', you just can't, go wrong, with GERBER. and, we have a WARNING, tonite, as well. stay away from 'zringtones'. it's nothing but a, SPAMBUSH! they'll back your email up, like a 'mode after thanksgiving, sure, as shit! folks, as soon as, we can get in, a smoke, a snack, and, queue up some noise, we'll get on with, the RAVE. take five, franks!
next round of sound, one FACE IT, MOBY, ANIMAL RIGHTS, two GREEDY, PURE, PUREFUNALIA, three NEGATIVE CREEP, NIRVANA, BLEACH, four YOUR GENIUS HANDS, EVERCLEAR, WORLD OF NOISE. please note: all of these had, non-repeating titles. it CAN, be done. so. i was at my, local, BORDERS yesterday. that's right - lucky for everyone, mine, did not close, or i, might have had to go on a smiting spree. seein' as i'm pressed for time lately, and not really in the mood anyhow, well, hey, what did CAPTAIN PICARD say about, moods? somethin' about, cows and sex, right, frank? can't recall, either, eh? well, really lucky, ya'll. please, try to, support, what's left of them, BORDERS, just to, be, on the safe side. hear? the other day, someone asked, me, i, think it was, frank, asked me, 'say, frank, why is, the world, so. fucked up?'. good question, frank. deserves, a good answer, it does. i'll see, what, i, can do. this, world, this, time and place, all of this, is, humanity's, trial run, a, beta test, just like with, software, if you would. got to, flush, the, bugs out and, the, only sure way to, do that is, as, we, all know, to, put it in play. run it, in, the real world. and, here, we are. this isn't, as, precise a science, as, you, might hope for; this has, never, been tried before. so, what's the, worst bug, what's the, virus that's gonna, crash, this experiment, just what is, the, biggest problem in, today's world? what is, man's, greatest 'sin'? it's not, one, of the majors. not even, on, the list. can't even, think, of a name for it, but, what it is, is, letting things slide. for instance, i, mentioned, a ways back, a woman, killing two kids because, she, was distracted by, her, cel phone. hideous, isn't it? don't agree? well, IT, FUCKING WELL, IS. how, many people have, died, due to, nothing more than the, carelessness, of others? some, meathead, decides he, just, can't miss the, first two seconds, of, 'the game', so he, drives, 80 mph, in a, 45 zone and, wipes out, a school bus. some, other dickwad, just, has to text, who-the-fuck-cares, about, a, line on some, TV show, last night, and, BAM, head-on into, a, sidewalk cafe. that we, can have, that, little, regard for our, fellow man that, some, bullshit, little thing we, just, have to do is, worth more, than, a human life, that, anyone would, even risk that, happening, that's, what's wrong, in, the world. THE, biggest problem. our priorities, are whack. everyone, thinks, that their, little, problems/issues/wants/needs, are, more important, than, life itself. and, why, is this? because, you are, all, running on autopilot, all day, every day, etc, etc. you, DO NOT, THINK. you, simply act, or, react, by rote. it's, not, your fault, at least not, entirely. the, media, the, government, pretty much, any, large, entity, be it a, church, or, the, school system, or, just, society itself as, a whole, is, mostly, to blame. society says, if, you execute, a murderer then, you are, as bad as, said murderer. so, said, lifer-murderer KILLS, a guard. well, THAT is, SOCIETY's fault, because, society placed MORE value ,on, the MURDERER's life than, on, the guard's (and, in the process, society, becomes even WORSE, than ,the murderer). well, didn't they? place, more value, on, the murderer's life? see, if they'd, dealt with, the, murderer, PROPERLY, the, guard would STILL, BE ALIVE, wouldn't he? THAT, is how, STUPID, the world has, become. AND, YOU, SIMPLY, REFUSE TO SEE IT! it's the, overwelming magnitude of, simple, THOUGHTLESSNESS that is, the, world's, humanity's, WORST failing. it's, NO big deal. right. it's, not MY problem. right. it's, TOO hard, it's, too MUCH trouble, i, MIGHT, get into trouble. right. THIS, is why, 24/7, assaults, and rapes, and murders, and child abuse, your, various, and sundry atrocities, and corporate malfeasence, and governmental corruption, and all the, other, nasty, awful things that, YOU, clamor, for SOMEONE ELSE to fix, NEVER, STOPS. AND IT, NEVER WILL STOP, BECAUSE YOU, DO, NOTHING ABOUT IT! letters. emails. rallies. yeah, right. sure. oh, you TALK, a good game, but, IF, it comes down to, ACTUALLY, dirtying YOUR hands, maybe, chipping, a NAIL, well, YOU'RE, nowhere, to be found. FRANK! why, is, the air so, still? what? where's the, music, numbskull? hop, to it, you...FOUR WALLED WORLD, TEMPLE OF THE DOG, guess, EVERY DAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME, off WITH_TEETH, and INTO THE VOID, THE FRAGILE, both by NINE INCH NAILS, THIS IS THE NEW SHIT, MARILYN MANSON, another favorite, here, @ the station, from, THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE, and, IT'S OVER, by FILTER, offa SHORT BUS. should do, for, now. before, we, break for a, smoke, and, station identification, let's, slog, thru a little more. THE PROBLEM, boiled down, is, that you DON'T, seriously, give a, shit about anything, OUTSIDE, of, your own, little bubble. about, anything that's not, near, and dear, to you, that's, not, in some way, personal. it, IS hard to, i, understand don't, get me wrong. but, that's still, no excuse. maybe, you, do care about, some things, the, environment, human rights, etc, but, with little exception, it's, only, in a superficial, abstract way. and while, no one, can, care about everything, all, the time, neither can, you, just, turn a blind eye, to it, even tho, it, is, practically overwelming. because, yes, you CAN, do something. it may, well be, outside the law or, borderline unethical, but, that is, NOT, an excuse for, DOING, NOTHING AT ALL (double negatives, be damned). and until, at the, least, a, majority of you, recognize this and, start, to take action on the, world's problems (and NOT, the, play-acting, bullshit that, passes, for action today), it, will only, get WORSE. bottom line, is, excluding wars, far more, accidental, unintentional harm, is, caused by reckless, oblivious people than, is, done by the, conscious, deliberate acts, of, criminals, and corporate/governmental sociopaths, combined. man i'm, parched.
from the summit of OLYMPUS MONS, it's LOST HIGHWAY, live on 6.6.6 IM, radio KALI, with your host, and worst nightmare, frank cotton! how's it goin', frank! glad you asked, frank! it's been fan-fucking-tastic the last few days, and to keep things on an up note, we'll be saving the last bit of that large slab of darkness we put out last week, for a tad longer. tonight, we're gonna be lightening things up a smidgen. you just heard, CHANGING, new from THE AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT, off of, wouldn't you fucking know it, the CHANGING album. dammit. DIAMOND EYES (hey, didn't DEFTONES have an album/song by that name, last year?), from SHINEDOWN, offa, hey, FRANK! you have GOT to see THIS, offa their new CD, DIAMOND EYES! i see a copyright throwdown over this, for sure. MY BODY, YOUNG THE GIANT, for fuck's sake, people, won't you even try? off of YOUNG THE GIANT. and lastly, PORN STAR DANCING, no message or anything, i just like it, MY DARKEST DAYS, and, ya got to love that name, too, off, oh, give me a godamned break, MY DARKEST DAYS. no, frank, i, will not let this, trivial bullshit, spoil my mood. i do think i'll have, one a them KLONOPINs, just in case. tonight's WORD is, ROOT CAUSE. the THOUGHT is, from CHARLIE SHEEN, and i have to say, i admire his blatant, brash, bold, and, well, frank-like attitude. 'if i'm insane, i'm OK with it...this is not an act.'; i think i'll engrave that on, somethin' or other! and tonight, i RECOMMEND, GERBER LEGENDARY BLADES. franks been a customer since, 1980, or thereabouts, and wishes, that all companies were half as good. if you've got a need, to do some serious stabbin', you just can't, go wrong, with GERBER. and, we have a WARNING, tonite, as well. stay away from 'zringtones'. it's nothing but a, SPAMBUSH! they'll back your email up, like a 'mode after thanksgiving, sure, as shit! folks, as soon as, we can get in, a smoke, a snack, and, queue up some noise, we'll get on with, the RAVE. take five, franks!
next round of sound, one FACE IT, MOBY, ANIMAL RIGHTS, two GREEDY, PURE, PUREFUNALIA, three NEGATIVE CREEP, NIRVANA, BLEACH, four YOUR GENIUS HANDS, EVERCLEAR, WORLD OF NOISE. please note: all of these had, non-repeating titles. it CAN, be done. so. i was at my, local, BORDERS yesterday. that's right - lucky for everyone, mine, did not close, or i, might have had to go on a smiting spree. seein' as i'm pressed for time lately, and not really in the mood anyhow, well, hey, what did CAPTAIN PICARD say about, moods? somethin' about, cows and sex, right, frank? can't recall, either, eh? well, really lucky, ya'll. please, try to, support, what's left of them, BORDERS, just to, be, on the safe side. hear? the other day, someone asked, me, i, think it was, frank, asked me, 'say, frank, why is, the world, so. fucked up?'. good question, frank. deserves, a good answer, it does. i'll see, what, i, can do. this, world, this, time and place, all of this, is, humanity's, trial run, a, beta test, just like with, software, if you would. got to, flush, the, bugs out and, the, only sure way to, do that is, as, we, all know, to, put it in play. run it, in, the real world. and, here, we are. this isn't, as, precise a science, as, you, might hope for; this has, never, been tried before. so, what's the, worst bug, what's the, virus that's gonna, crash, this experiment, just what is, the, biggest problem in, today's world? what is, man's, greatest 'sin'? it's not, one, of the majors. not even, on, the list. can't even, think, of a name for it, but, what it is, is, letting things slide. for instance, i, mentioned, a ways back, a woman, killing two kids because, she, was distracted by, her, cel phone. hideous, isn't it? don't agree? well, IT, FUCKING WELL, IS. how, many people have, died, due to, nothing more than the, carelessness, of others? some, meathead, decides he, just, can't miss the, first two seconds, of, 'the game', so he, drives, 80 mph, in a, 45 zone and, wipes out, a school bus. some, other dickwad, just, has to text, who-the-fuck-cares, about, a, line on some, TV show, last night, and, BAM, head-on into, a, sidewalk cafe. that we, can have, that, little, regard for our, fellow man that, some, bullshit, little thing we, just, have to do is, worth more, than, a human life, that, anyone would, even risk that, happening, that's, what's wrong, in, the world. THE, biggest problem. our priorities, are whack. everyone, thinks, that their, little, problems/issues/wants/needs, are, more important, than, life itself. and, why, is this? because, you are, all, running on autopilot, all day, every day, etc, etc. you, DO NOT, THINK. you, simply act, or, react, by rote. it's, not, your fault, at least not, entirely. the, media, the, government, pretty much, any, large, entity, be it a, church, or, the, school system, or, just, society itself as, a whole, is, mostly, to blame. society says, if, you execute, a murderer then, you are, as bad as, said murderer. so, said, lifer-murderer KILLS, a guard. well, THAT is, SOCIETY's fault, because, society placed MORE value ,on, the MURDERER's life than, on, the guard's (and, in the process, society, becomes even WORSE, than ,the murderer). well, didn't they? place, more value, on, the murderer's life? see, if they'd, dealt with, the, murderer, PROPERLY, the, guard would STILL, BE ALIVE, wouldn't he? THAT, is how, STUPID, the world has, become. AND, YOU, SIMPLY, REFUSE TO SEE IT! it's the, overwelming magnitude of, simple, THOUGHTLESSNESS that is, the, world's, humanity's, WORST failing. it's, NO big deal. right. it's, not MY problem. right. it's, TOO hard, it's, too MUCH trouble, i, MIGHT, get into trouble. right. THIS, is why, 24/7, assaults, and rapes, and murders, and child abuse, your, various, and sundry atrocities, and corporate malfeasence, and governmental corruption, and all the, other, nasty, awful things that, YOU, clamor, for SOMEONE ELSE to fix, NEVER, STOPS. AND IT, NEVER WILL STOP, BECAUSE YOU, DO, NOTHING ABOUT IT! letters. emails. rallies. yeah, right. sure. oh, you TALK, a good game, but, IF, it comes down to, ACTUALLY, dirtying YOUR hands, maybe, chipping, a NAIL, well, YOU'RE, nowhere, to be found. FRANK! why, is, the air so, still? what? where's the, music, numbskull? hop, to it, you...FOUR WALLED WORLD, TEMPLE OF THE DOG, guess, EVERY DAY IS EXACTLY THE SAME, off WITH_TEETH, and INTO THE VOID, THE FRAGILE, both by NINE INCH NAILS, THIS IS THE NEW SHIT, MARILYN MANSON, another favorite, here, @ the station, from, THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE, and, IT'S OVER, by FILTER, offa SHORT BUS. should do, for, now. before, we, break for a, smoke, and, station identification, let's, slog, thru a little more. THE PROBLEM, boiled down, is, that you DON'T, seriously, give a, shit about anything, OUTSIDE, of, your own, little bubble. about, anything that's not, near, and dear, to you, that's, not, in some way, personal. it, IS hard to, i, understand don't, get me wrong. but, that's still, no excuse. maybe, you, do care about, some things, the, environment, human rights, etc, but, with little exception, it's, only, in a superficial, abstract way. and while, no one, can, care about everything, all, the time, neither can, you, just, turn a blind eye, to it, even tho, it, is, practically overwelming. because, yes, you CAN, do something. it may, well be, outside the law or, borderline unethical, but, that is, NOT, an excuse for, DOING, NOTHING AT ALL (double negatives, be damned). and until, at the, least, a, majority of you, recognize this and, start, to take action on the, world's problems (and NOT, the, play-acting, bullshit that, passes, for action today), it, will only, get WORSE. bottom line, is, excluding wars, far more, accidental, unintentional harm, is, caused by reckless, oblivious people than, is, done by the, conscious, deliberate acts, of, criminals, and corporate/governmental sociopaths, combined. man i'm, parched.