angry, red, planet...
alright, why, is it so damn quiet in here? frank? FRANK! nap time's over, get back, to the console! move, move, move! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, and THE LINE BEGINS TO BLUR, NINE INCH NAILS, WITH_TEETH, VALENTINE'S DAY, MARILYN MANSON, HOLYWOOD [IN THE SHADOW OF THE VALLEY OF DEATH], WASTING AWAY, NAILBOMB, POINT BLANK, and LAST EXIT (just in case you, ain't, like, quite got my point, yet),by, PEARL JAM, from their, VITALOGY cd/album/disc. ask yourselves this, if, you would...why, for what, possible reason, would god, why, whatever god you please, why, would he/she or any, god, want, to spend, ETERNITY, with, a bunch of, losers, who are too damn scared to, even LOOK HIM IN THE FACE! WOULD YOU? god WANTED you, to, rebel, wanted you, to, THINK, for YOURSELVES, to, learn logic, and, reason, to, use as tools to, build a better future for, yourselves. do you, really want to, just sit around naked, in, the yard, FOREVER? sure, might, be fun for, a while, but, not all that long. no tv, no lights, no microwave popcorn, no bug spray, no radio, no nothing, NO FUCKING POINT! this, 'heaven' you, imagine, this 'garden' you, want to, go back to, it's just a, fantasy. it's, an endless loop, a, closed system, a, dead end. stagnant and, lifeless. is, that, what you, really want? SHEEP, out to pasture, all calm and mild. meek. you know, don't you, what happens to, sheep, don't you? ever heard, PINK FLOYD's ANIMALS? think, folks, what do we, do, with lambs, what do we, lead, them to? TO SLAUGHTER. that's what. duh. you want to, be all meek, and shit? well, that's what, you'll get, that's what, the meek, get, they, get, SHIT! you know, what, they inherit? uh, the earth? as in, uh, the planet? FUCK NO, THEY DON'T! what they DO, get is, consolation prize, the earth, as in, FUCKING DIRT! and that's, all that will be left, for you meek, mild, motherfuckers, if the, DOGS, get their way, NOTHING, BUT, DIRT! SCORCHED, FUCKING, EARTH. and guess, what we'll burn, for, fuel then, when the trees are, all, gone? can ya? can ya, guess what we'll, have left, to burn? plenty of, in, fact...why, THE BODIES! of, the DEAD! of, the, LUCKY ones! and, NOTHING ELSE! no where left, to bury them, no forests, no, no more, forests, not this, time. so, we'll, just, burn 'em all, every, single last one of, them, so, we won't, freeze, to death, on, our lifeless, rock, and, won't that, won't that, be, be, fun? no? not even, a little? you uh, sure? OF COURSE, NOT, YOU FUCKIN' IDIOTS! but don't let me, get in your, way, if that's what, you, want, if that's, your, choice. have at it. it's all bought, and paid for, with, your blood, your, sweat, and your, tears, and it's all, yours.
alright, why, is it so damn quiet in here? frank? FRANK! nap time's over, get back, to the console! move, move, move! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE, and THE LINE BEGINS TO BLUR, NINE INCH NAILS, WITH_TEETH, VALENTINE'S DAY, MARILYN MANSON, HOLYWOOD [IN THE SHADOW OF THE VALLEY OF DEATH], WASTING AWAY, NAILBOMB, POINT BLANK, and LAST EXIT (just in case you, ain't, like, quite got my point, yet),by, PEARL JAM, from their, VITALOGY cd/album/disc. ask yourselves this, if, you would...why, for what, possible reason, would god, why, whatever god you please, why, would he/she or any, god, want, to spend, ETERNITY, with, a bunch of, losers, who are too damn scared to, even LOOK HIM IN THE FACE! WOULD YOU? god WANTED you, to, rebel, wanted you, to, THINK, for YOURSELVES, to, learn logic, and, reason, to, use as tools to, build a better future for, yourselves. do you, really want to, just sit around naked, in, the yard, FOREVER? sure, might, be fun for, a while, but, not all that long. no tv, no lights, no microwave popcorn, no bug spray, no radio, no nothing, NO FUCKING POINT! this, 'heaven' you, imagine, this 'garden' you, want to, go back to, it's just a, fantasy. it's, an endless loop, a, closed system, a, dead end. stagnant and, lifeless. is, that, what you, really want? SHEEP, out to pasture, all calm and mild. meek. you know, don't you, what happens to, sheep, don't you? ever heard, PINK FLOYD's ANIMALS? think, folks, what do we, do, with lambs, what do we, lead, them to? TO SLAUGHTER. that's what. duh. you want to, be all meek, and shit? well, that's what, you'll get, that's what, the meek, get, they, get, SHIT! you know, what, they inherit? uh, the earth? as in, uh, the planet? FUCK NO, THEY DON'T! what they DO, get is, consolation prize, the earth, as in, FUCKING DIRT! and that's, all that will be left, for you meek, mild, motherfuckers, if the, DOGS, get their way, NOTHING, BUT, DIRT! SCORCHED, FUCKING, EARTH. and guess, what we'll burn, for, fuel then, when the trees are, all, gone? can ya? can ya, guess what we'll, have left, to burn? plenty of, in, fact...why, THE BODIES! of, the DEAD! of, the, LUCKY ones! and, NOTHING ELSE! no where left, to bury them, no forests, no, no more, forests, not this, time. so, we'll, just, burn 'em all, every, single last one of, them, so, we won't, freeze, to death, on, our lifeless, rock, and, won't that, won't that, be, be, fun? no? not even, a little? you uh, sure? OF COURSE, NOT, YOU FUCKIN' IDIOTS! but don't let me, get in your, way, if that's what, you, want, if that's, your, choice. have at it. it's all bought, and paid for, with, your blood, your, sweat, and your, tears, and it's all, yours.