just, fade the damn thing in, already!
live, from the throne room (ok, it's the cat's room, just...), at VALHALLA, in the HALL OF THE DEAD, it's LOST HIGHWAY, with your host, frank cotton. take it away, FRANK! well, thank you, FRANK! try, and behave, OK? hi, everybody, it's me, frank, and i'm back for, ah, well...ok. the show, never, really stops, it, just kinda, goes on, and on, and on, much like, life. like, i say, it's, always midnight here, so, we need, some way to, i don't know, uh, some arbitrary, measure, of time, uh, for, some reason or, other, so, we, just pretend it's, a new day, or, night, or, ya know? anyways, where was i? from time to time, uh, what? hey, frank! get the, fuck out of my, chair, and, away from, the mike, like, NOW! sorry, motherfucker, can't even take a, oh, hey, there. it's, frank cotton, here, on, K-A-L-I radio, 6.6.6 IM, and, it's, uh, saturday night, or, sunday morning, depending. i decided to give, other frank, and, other, other, frank, a second, or, more like, MILLIONTH chance, to straighten their, respective, acts up. you see, what i get? ASSHOLES! sorry. the noise you, just heard was, READY TO FALL, SURVIVE, and DRONES, all by, RISE AGAINST, a favorite, here, off of, THE SUFFERER & THE WITNESS, I DARE YOU, SHINEDOWN, from, US AND THEM, and, AN EVENING WITH EL DIABLO, by, CHEVELLE, on, the WONDER WHAT'S NEXT disc. tonight's WORD, of the day, maybe, that, should be, WORD of, the night? no. tonight's WORD, there, i, like that, is, SUBTERFUGE. don't get to use, that one, much. tonight's THOUGHT, hey, that, like, really works, don't it? is, hold on...'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make me care', uh, just, what the, hell, kind of non...oh, wait, yeah, that was, me, actually. or, one of us, at, any rate. ha ha. from, CONSOLIDATED HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CHI), we have tonight's, FRANK RECOMMENDS. please note, that, while C.H.I. is, a wholly owned, and operated, subsidiary, of NEW VISION (which is, not, by the way, in any, way, form, or, manner, connected to, THE CHURCH OF THE NEW VISION), the opinions, or, recommendations, of C.H.I. do NOT, necessarily, represent the, opinions, or, whatever, of - hey, i'm gettin' tired of, all this, legalese, BULLSHIT! so, please, don't put any more, on my desk. we, liked THE NUMBER 23. there. i said it. damn near break time, already, and we ain't, even, got the tunes back on. yo, FRANK! no, aw, hell, wait, ,you'll do. play us some SHADOW ON THE SUN, AUDIOSLAVE, repeat. then, BLOW UP THE OUTSIDE WORLD, by, SOUNDGARDEN, DOWN ON THE UPSIDE bein' the name, of, the, black circle. make a note, franks, we need, way, more, SOUNDGARDEN! follow that up, with, FREE ME, and, THE DEEPEST BLUES ARE BLACK, FOO FIGHTERS, IN YOUR HONOR, if, you, don't mind and, i'll, get, to the RAVE. after i, smoke.
i'm luck's last match struck...
and now, what, the hell is, oh, great. according to, frank, here, or, there...there's been some, blowback from last night's, oh, no, you, did NOT say tirade. didn't, think so. missive. sounds, much better. anyhow, someone, got their nerves, all wound up, or bunched up, over, some frank, or, another's, suggestion, that folks get off, their, and, and, all that. well. TOUGH SHIT! sorry. we've been told, that, there's laws, or, somethin' stating, that. well, i'm sorry, alright? no one, told me, i, was not aware, i, did not know. to moderate, our, editorial stance on crackhouses, and ,the demolition thereof, we, are obliged to say, that, whether we really mean it or not, you, i mean, we, can, NOT urge our fellow, decent, generally law-abiding, compatriots, to take the law, into, their own hands, and, deal JUSTLY, with, the aforementioned, scum-of-the earth (and, their fucking, LAWYERS), and/or their, Constitutionally protected, crackhouses. however, it wouldn't hurt OUR, feelings, here, at the station, if, someone were to, with, no prompting on our part, ignore all this legal BULLSHIT and, do what, NEEDS TO BE DONE! and, we have it on good authority, or, at least, semi-reliable rumor-mongering, that, god himself (let's not get into the, gender thing, now, please?), is, pretty much A-OK with, low-life, drug-dealing, evil, souless garbage, meeting with, their, just desserts. or, is that deserts? great, now ,i'm feeling hungry, and, over-warm. hopefully, the foregoing, will suffice to, ward off any, further, issues/cease-and-desist/threats, from, the FCC, and/or frank's, Parole Officer. with that, out of the way, i, would like to now, REALLY piss everyone, the fuck off. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. did you, not, see this coming? no, NOT her, you! folks, you, do, realize that, there are, those, amongst you, who are, now, UTTERLY CONVINCED, that she, is, THE BEAST (666), of, THE REVELATIONS OF SAINT JOHN? never mind that, she's female, and, most of us, i'm sure, just assumed, that, it would be, a guy. most, assholes are. but then, frank, did say he, made, the girls first, so, if, that were true, it, would, kinda make sense. and, not, only that, that, there are those, out, in the world, who, think it would be, just dandy, if, she was, as they were, gettin' tired of, waiting for, and, have been, ready for, for, some time now, for, ARMA-GODAMNED-MOTHERFUCKIN'GEDDON! there's some, out there, literally, drooling, and, chompin' at, the bit, for, the show, to, get under way! and, the, sooner, the, better. some, figure, if, it's coming, and, 'god' wants it, that, it's, perfectly ok, for them, to, help it, right along. ya'll have, no idea of, the extent to which this, has been, anticipated, planned for, and, outright welcomed. you, know, how some of your, higher-ups, tend to, leave, a, trail of, terrified, servile, employees, in, their wake, everywhere, they go? you, notice how, they will, often, make a point to, walk thru a room, just to, scare, the, living shit, out of, the morlocks? that's, what they, think, of, you, you know? and, that's what they, live for, and, that's what they, want, for your, future. what, did, GEORGE ORWELL say, about, a boot, stomping, on a human face, forever? wait, that's right, he, said, it, was, a picture of, your future. pretty fucking bleak, eh? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...here's, the thing. she's, not, 'the beast'. i, can guarantee you, that. they, might, want her, to, play the role, maybe, even, try, to, coerce her, to. but ,it won't fly. why? frank, please, tell us, why? or, why, not. ok. BECAUSE, I"M, THE FUCKING BEAST! THAT'S RIGHT! yours truly, good, old, frank cotton, only, half rotten, frank cotton, god, himself, is, also, the ANTI-CHRIST! didn't, see that one, coming, either, didja? of, course not! that's, the point, that's, the plan! (please note, that frank, in no way, claims now, or, ever will claim, to be THE MESSIAH, YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR. that's, a whole other show). oh, c'mon, grow up! don't, like surprises? better, go bury your head, somewhere, 'cause this, is, just the beginning.
live, from the throne room (ok, it's the cat's room, just...), at VALHALLA, in the HALL OF THE DEAD, it's LOST HIGHWAY, with your host, frank cotton. take it away, FRANK! well, thank you, FRANK! try, and behave, OK? hi, everybody, it's me, frank, and i'm back for, ah, well...ok. the show, never, really stops, it, just kinda, goes on, and on, and on, much like, life. like, i say, it's, always midnight here, so, we need, some way to, i don't know, uh, some arbitrary, measure, of time, uh, for, some reason or, other, so, we, just pretend it's, a new day, or, night, or, ya know? anyways, where was i? from time to time, uh, what? hey, frank! get the, fuck out of my, chair, and, away from, the mike, like, NOW! sorry, motherfucker, can't even take a, oh, hey, there. it's, frank cotton, here, on, K-A-L-I radio, 6.6.6 IM, and, it's, uh, saturday night, or, sunday morning, depending. i decided to give, other frank, and, other, other, frank, a second, or, more like, MILLIONTH chance, to straighten their, respective, acts up. you see, what i get? ASSHOLES! sorry. the noise you, just heard was, READY TO FALL, SURVIVE, and DRONES, all by, RISE AGAINST, a favorite, here, off of, THE SUFFERER & THE WITNESS, I DARE YOU, SHINEDOWN, from, US AND THEM, and, AN EVENING WITH EL DIABLO, by, CHEVELLE, on, the WONDER WHAT'S NEXT disc. tonight's WORD, of the day, maybe, that, should be, WORD of, the night? no. tonight's WORD, there, i, like that, is, SUBTERFUGE. don't get to use, that one, much. tonight's THOUGHT, hey, that, like, really works, don't it? is, hold on...'you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make me care', uh, just, what the, hell, kind of non...oh, wait, yeah, that was, me, actually. or, one of us, at, any rate. ha ha. from, CONSOLIDATED HEAVY INDUSTRIES (CHI), we have tonight's, FRANK RECOMMENDS. please note, that, while C.H.I. is, a wholly owned, and operated, subsidiary, of NEW VISION (which is, not, by the way, in any, way, form, or, manner, connected to, THE CHURCH OF THE NEW VISION), the opinions, or, recommendations, of C.H.I. do NOT, necessarily, represent the, opinions, or, whatever, of - hey, i'm gettin' tired of, all this, legalese, BULLSHIT! so, please, don't put any more, on my desk. we, liked THE NUMBER 23. there. i said it. damn near break time, already, and we ain't, even, got the tunes back on. yo, FRANK! no, aw, hell, wait, ,you'll do. play us some SHADOW ON THE SUN, AUDIOSLAVE, repeat. then, BLOW UP THE OUTSIDE WORLD, by, SOUNDGARDEN, DOWN ON THE UPSIDE bein' the name, of, the, black circle. make a note, franks, we need, way, more, SOUNDGARDEN! follow that up, with, FREE ME, and, THE DEEPEST BLUES ARE BLACK, FOO FIGHTERS, IN YOUR HONOR, if, you, don't mind and, i'll, get, to the RAVE. after i, smoke.
i'm luck's last match struck...
and now, what, the hell is, oh, great. according to, frank, here, or, there...there's been some, blowback from last night's, oh, no, you, did NOT say tirade. didn't, think so. missive. sounds, much better. anyhow, someone, got their nerves, all wound up, or bunched up, over, some frank, or, another's, suggestion, that folks get off, their, and, and, all that. well. TOUGH SHIT! sorry. we've been told, that, there's laws, or, somethin' stating, that. well, i'm sorry, alright? no one, told me, i, was not aware, i, did not know. to moderate, our, editorial stance on crackhouses, and ,the demolition thereof, we, are obliged to say, that, whether we really mean it or not, you, i mean, we, can, NOT urge our fellow, decent, generally law-abiding, compatriots, to take the law, into, their own hands, and, deal JUSTLY, with, the aforementioned, scum-of-the earth (and, their fucking, LAWYERS), and/or their, Constitutionally protected, crackhouses. however, it wouldn't hurt OUR, feelings, here, at the station, if, someone were to, with, no prompting on our part, ignore all this legal BULLSHIT and, do what, NEEDS TO BE DONE! and, we have it on good authority, or, at least, semi-reliable rumor-mongering, that, god himself (let's not get into the, gender thing, now, please?), is, pretty much A-OK with, low-life, drug-dealing, evil, souless garbage, meeting with, their, just desserts. or, is that deserts? great, now ,i'm feeling hungry, and, over-warm. hopefully, the foregoing, will suffice to, ward off any, further, issues/cease-and-desist/threats, from, the FCC, and/or frank's, Parole Officer. with that, out of the way, i, would like to now, REALLY piss everyone, the fuck off. GABRIELLE GIFFORDS. did you, not, see this coming? no, NOT her, you! folks, you, do, realize that, there are, those, amongst you, who are, now, UTTERLY CONVINCED, that she, is, THE BEAST (666), of, THE REVELATIONS OF SAINT JOHN? never mind that, she's female, and, most of us, i'm sure, just assumed, that, it would be, a guy. most, assholes are. but then, frank, did say he, made, the girls first, so, if, that were true, it, would, kinda make sense. and, not, only that, that, there are those, out, in the world, who, think it would be, just dandy, if, she was, as they were, gettin' tired of, waiting for, and, have been, ready for, for, some time now, for, ARMA-GODAMNED-MOTHERFUCKIN'GEDDON! there's some, out there, literally, drooling, and, chompin' at, the bit, for, the show, to, get under way! and, the, sooner, the, better. some, figure, if, it's coming, and, 'god' wants it, that, it's, perfectly ok, for them, to, help it, right along. ya'll have, no idea of, the extent to which this, has been, anticipated, planned for, and, outright welcomed. you, know, how some of your, higher-ups, tend to, leave, a, trail of, terrified, servile, employees, in, their wake, everywhere, they go? you, notice how, they will, often, make a point to, walk thru a room, just to, scare, the, living shit, out of, the morlocks? that's, what they, think, of, you, you know? and, that's what they, live for, and, that's what they, want, for your, future. what, did, GEORGE ORWELL say, about, a boot, stomping, on a human face, forever? wait, that's right, he, said, it, was, a picture of, your future. pretty fucking bleak, eh? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...here's, the thing. she's, not, 'the beast'. i, can guarantee you, that. they, might, want her, to, play the role, maybe, even, try, to, coerce her, to. but ,it won't fly. why? frank, please, tell us, why? or, why, not. ok. BECAUSE, I"M, THE FUCKING BEAST! THAT'S RIGHT! yours truly, good, old, frank cotton, only, half rotten, frank cotton, god, himself, is, also, the ANTI-CHRIST! didn't, see that one, coming, either, didja? of, course not! that's, the point, that's, the plan! (please note, that frank, in no way, claims now, or, ever will claim, to be THE MESSIAH, YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR. that's, a whole other show). oh, c'mon, grow up! don't, like surprises? better, go bury your head, somewhere, 'cause this, is, just the beginning.