so, sometimes, the breaks run's not like you're, payin', for this. frank, here, rolling merrily down, the LOST HIGHWAY, towards certain doom. won't you join me? no? well, too bad, 'cause, you've already been on this road, a long, long, time. but, enuf, of that. the sounds you, are, have been, or, will be, hearing: SHOW ME HOW TO LIVE, and, BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE, by AUDIOSLAVE, from, same. again. well. CALL ME A DOG, TEMPLE OF THE DOG, and, guess what, again, from same. again...nope, not lettin' it, bother me. seems we've gotten, some, complaints, about frank's, self-indulgence of, earlier, um, whatever day, this is. so, sue me. no, scratch that, i can see, whereas, it might be, annoying, all this, frank, frank, frank. so. we'll just, finish up the, girl's pep talk. after, i name the, upcoming , should-have-been, hits. VIOLET, and, SHE WALKS ON ME, COURTNEY LOVE, i mean, uh, HOLE (why do i feel dirty, every time i say that?), off the LIVE THROUGH THIS album. and, i'll call it an album, if, i damn well please, and, i do. think i'll toss on some BLONDIE after, like, ACCIDENTS NEVER HAPPEN, off EAT TO THE BEAT, and, WILL ANYTHING HAPPEN, from PARALLEL LINES. DEBBIE HARRY; there's another one, could, drive you, right into the rocks. to resume. seriously, ladies, wouldn't YOU, be more confident, and, self-assured if, YOU, KNEW, that YOU, DID NOT, have to depend on, someone else, for YOUR, OWN, personal, security? PREDATORS, can sense victims. if, you are ready for trouble, it will, most likely, tend to avoid you. i'm not saying you should want to, or like to, or hope to, fight. i'm just saying, that you should be, capable of doing so, successfully, should, circumstances require it. i'm not aiming for, some kind of, planet of amazon women, i just want, my ANGELS, to be free of the need, for men, to take care of them. because, the guys, as a whole, are doing a poor job of it. and, the pretty, shallow boys, the, bad-boy posers so many of you, seem to go for, are not, going to be able, to save themselves, much less, you, from anything. in all honesty, god would, really, really, like to have, an ARMY, of BEAUTIFUL, yet DANGEROUS, DARK, SAMURAI ANGELS. and, just how, fucking cool, would that be? no shit! preferably, it would be, kind of, a reserve type of thing, and, ya'll would be akin to, a nuclear deterent. a, better to have a gun, and, never need it, kinda deal. something to think about. but, you girls would need to be, way more cooperative, with each other, than you are now. seriously. women, are far more cut-throat than men, and, that's one of the main reasons, men, have been able to keep you, down for so long. i had planned, on talking about your ULTIMATE WEAPON, tonight, but i believe that, will have to wait, just a little longer. i will, say this; it is something each, and every one of you, has, and you, just need a little instruction on, how to wield it, properly, and, without overdoing it. it is not, psychic ability, sorry. i'm sure, some of you were, hoping so. get some sleep, and i'll be back, tomorrow. sweet dreams...
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