and we're back, on the LOST HIGHWAY, your host, frank cotton, from the void before time and space, on 6.6.6 IM, KALI radio. just heard, LIKE A STONE, and, LAST REMAINING LIGHT, AUDIOSLAVE, off same, again, and NO MONEY, KINGS OF LEON, COME AROUND SUNDOWN. WORD ftd is, BREVITY. THOUGHT for, is, 'the more truly learned he became, the more he doubted all he knew', by VOLTAIRE. 2 quick RECOMMENDs; 1) THE SOCIOPATH NEXT DOOR, by MARTHA STOUT, PH D. fast, eye-opening read (she says 1 in 25 are), and ROCHE, makers of KLONOPIN (CLONAZEPAM), the new MOOD STABILIZATION medication frank is, legally, on. now in his manic phase, he needs to stay out of the deep end, and jail. less fun, sadly, but, whatcha gonna do? a little more coherence couldn't hurt. upcoming tunes, GLYCERINE, BUSH, SIXTEEN STONE, AIN'T NO REST FOR THE WICKED, CAGE THE ELEPHANT, same, again, again. hmm. THE GARDEN, GUNS N' ROSES, USE YOUR ILLUSION I. tonight's RAVE, mentioned earlier, is, all about me. sorry, can't be helped. will try to be brief, so we can get back to the important stuff, post haste. this, is not so much important, as, neccesary, or so, the home office says. guys don't care, i know, so, go tinker, veg on ESPN, make fun of others, just go, already. this, is for the ladies, some of whom, might, be curious to know a little more, about me. if not, to each, and all that. so, girls, just what, have you been missing out on? he's not pretty, covered that. 6' 2", 185 lbs, excellent shape for 50, way better than average for 20. partial plate, reading glasses, no diseases, everything works well. shaved bald, hair would be mostly white/receded in front. no facial hair. acne scars (not as bad as some, worse than others), walks a bit funny, talks to himself, a tad too much. smokes half-a-pack-a-day, doesn't drink, no drugs now (a little weed, after parole, maybe, and, maybe, some shrooms, in season), but did more than his share, in his 20s and 30s. tried most everything, once. he thinks either, too much, or, too little, and, in general, tends toward the extremes, in many things but, mostly, manages to stay balanced, the vast majority, of the time. mostly. at least, he tries. likes to spend money; quite responsible with it, when, he has it. had excellent credit, until 45, fair credit, now, even tho he defaulted on $35k in debt, and, had his car repo'd, 5 years ago. should be good again in, about 2 to 3 years. 30 years, of very fast, controlled, driving, without a moving violation, until 2005. speeding. 25 years, without an accident, not going into that, now. writes, draws, into 3D graphics, photography. at least, half his output is, pretty damn good, if not, outright exceptional, and some, is. what, can i say? and, we're talking about plain-old frank, here, not, the new-and-improved. he can, sing, too...can, wail like CHRIS CORNELL, when he's into it. doesn't play any instruments, tho he will, learn guitar, someday. his voice, is awesome; deep, resonant, and mesmerizing. not THE VOICE, as in DUNE, but, hypnotic and reassuring, and could, possibly, convince you, to believe, or do, pretty much anything, were he so inclined. no foreign languages, outside of, a smattering of Japanese. a bit of a neat freak, but, i hate dusting, and washing dishes. make myself wash them anyways, just for the self-discipline. well. i suppose that's enough, for today's installment. looks as if this'll be a three-parter. one down, two, to go. SMOKE BREAK.
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