frank cotton reporting for KALI's FUCKED UP NEWS. according to, and verifiable @, WWW2.JOURNALNOW.COM (keyword 'elisa baker'), cel phone records can, and will, be used to verify the whereabouts of any US CITIZEN, anytime the authorities please. to paraphrase the story,' warrant also said that cellphone records indicate that Adam Baker was not in the locations where Zahra's remains were found on the day Elisa Baker indicated but that cellphone records showed she was). now, am i the ONLY one paying attention here, or do ANY you GET the unspoken inference that, it doesn't matter if you're USING THE PHONE OR NOT, IT ONLY NEEDS TO BE ON! WAKE UP, FUCKHEADS, or get your house in good order, before the NEW WORLD ORDER comes knocking on YOUR FUCKING DOOR! frank cotton, for KALI FUCKED-UP NEWS, 6.6.6 IM, where we NEVER sleep, so that YOU can.
frank cotton reporting for KALI's FUCKED UP NEWS. according to, and verifiable @, WWW2.JOURNALNOW.COM (keyword 'elisa baker'), cel phone records can, and will, be used to verify the whereabouts of any US CITIZEN, anytime the authorities please. to paraphrase the story,' warrant also said that cellphone records indicate that Adam Baker was not in the locations where Zahra's remains were found on the day Elisa Baker indicated but that cellphone records showed she was). now, am i the ONLY one paying attention here, or do ANY you GET the unspoken inference that, it doesn't matter if you're USING THE PHONE OR NOT, IT ONLY NEEDS TO BE ON! WAKE UP, FUCKHEADS, or get your house in good order, before the NEW WORLD ORDER comes knocking on YOUR FUCKING DOOR! frank cotton, for KALI FUCKED-UP NEWS, 6.6.6 IM, where we NEVER sleep, so that YOU can.