wrote this about KIM, twenty years after.
even after forever
i dare not to touch it
it will still burn
with but a glance in that direction
i can cross time
tho it is nothing i would want
i hide for an eon
then dream for an instant
and could swear
i never left the room
no refuge in sleep ---
i still carry a taste of you
either it or i
will not let go
dont want to remember - dont want to forget - dont want to let go
so all i can do
is honor the memory
whenever it finds me
even after forever
i dare not to touch it
it will still burn
with but a glance in that direction
i can cross time
tho it is nothing i would want
i hide for an eon
then dream for an instant
and could swear
i never left the room
no refuge in sleep ---
i still carry a taste of you
either it or i
will not let go
dont want to remember - dont want to forget - dont want to let go
so all i can do
is honor the memory
whenever it finds me