it's midnight again, at the station, at the end of the universe, and, that means, that it's time for frank cotton's LOST HIGHWAY, on, your favorite station, KALI, 6.6.6 radio! really folks, it's just one never-ending show, broken up by periods of work, play, and sleep, much like your real, actual, lives. you have heard, and/or will be hearing, 1000 STARS, by BIG COUNTRY, off THE CROSSING, AUDIENCE OF ONE (that would be, me, if, you think, about it...all the world's a stage, we, are all players, and GOD, himself, is, the audience. get it? well, DO you? i, thought not) by RISE AGAINST, off APPEAL TO REASON (get THAT?), DEAD HORSE (which it seems i'm beating), GUNS N' ROSES, off USE YOUR ILLUSION I, I ALONE, by LIVE, off THROWING COPPER, and THE WRETCHED, NINE INCH NAILS, THE FRAGILE. and that should hold us, for a while. a minor correction, QUOTE of the DAY, was, SUPPOSED to be, THOUGHT of the DAY. had to, fire, that idiot, frank, over that one, so, from here, on out, it's just me, runnin' the show, as should be. but we'll be skippin' that, and, ALL, the other, usual, bs TONIGHT, as we need to START getting down to brass tacks, here. and now. all the vitriol i've been spewing of late should have run the BOYS off by now, so, it's just us, here, again, ladies. back, to self-defense. it is important, not only for you, but for your loved ones, and, the world as a whole. who ELSE is going to defend you? NO ONE, really. sadly. and, if, you want something done right, right? i don't want to insult your husbands/boyfriends/lovers, but, let's face it girls, just how many of them could, put up a good fight, if neccesary? i'm not talking about cops, soldiers, mercenaries, or UFC fighters here, i mean the average guys. are they fit? good. are they trained? oh. have they even been in a fight, since they were kids? are they serious, and, detached enough, to stomp the shit out of one, or more, perpetrators, if need be? if not, can YOU motivate them to shape up? possibly. but why, depend on anyone else, who, might not even be available, in a crisis. what if, there's no one to take care of you, but you? please, my dears, prepare yourselves, for what may (hopefully not), come in the future. if not for yourselves, at least, for your friend's, and families' sakes. they wouldn't want to see you, hurt, or worse, any more than you, or i, would. do it, on your own, but, also band together with your sisters. learn to GROWL, be fierce, and scary. learn TAI CHI, for discipline, then some, other, MARTIAL ART, for practical application. and ARM YOURSELVES! why would any, pretty, young thing, leave the house, at all, without, at the very least, some pepper spray? useless as it is, you might be able to, say, throw it at someone, and run away. some suggestions: stainless steel picture wire. use your imaginations, please. all women should have, a primary weapon, a back-up, and, some other, small items, that can be used for cutting ropes, or, assholes, who should know better. think, about bamboo knitting needles, maybe, a PDA stylus, and/or eyeglass repair screwdrivers. a quick aside here; when things get rolling, watch out for, traitors, among you. sadly, there will, be those, who prefer things as they are, and will, casually, sell the rest of you out, just to curry men's favors, and, secure their, personal futures, and, see themselves as heroines. a pitiful, and, likely scenario. the guys are,, gonna be pissed at me, one day, and the price, on my head, could be pretty high. tempting. HANDCUFF KEYS. i believe, i mentioned handcuffs before, right? get some, and NOT the cheap ones they sell for, screwing around, in bed with, but, the ones that can't be gotten out of, without a key. you may never need them, but, what if you did? and, they CAN be used on your significant other, too, should the mood, strike you. not, a must-have, but, what is, is, a HANDCUFF KEY. you should, carry one with you everywhere, and, at all times. they are, small enough, to be taped just below your belt line, around back, where your hands would be. I'M NOT KIDDING HERE, GIRLS! this one, little thing, might, one day, save your pretty little ass from destruction, if, you get me. and, you should have razor blades hidden, somewhere, too, like, in your shoe, or, the hem of your pants. for cutting rope, if, you're tied up. because, IT COULD HAPPEN... i see it in the papers, every, single, day, and it makes me sick, because, i, can't, be everywhere, all the time, and,believe me, i would be, if, i only could. frank, here, is just an avatar; he DOESN'T have superpowers (yet), tho he really, REALLY, wants them. it's a little early, for that. right now, his only power is, his VOICE. time to hit the can, but, i WILL, be back. you, can, count on it.
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