that was, SANTA MONICA, EVERCLEAR, SPARKLE & FADE, and before that was, HELP ME I AM IN HELL, off BROKEN, THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL, off, the album of the same name, and, THE HAND THAT FEEDS, off, WITH TEETH, all by, NINE INCH NAILS. we once sent, TRENT, some artwork, for a cover, and he sent it back. know what, he said? DARKER! FUCKIN A!, that's why we love us some, NIN on this, here, the all-night show with, your host, frank cotton. don't know what time it is, where, you are, but the big clock on the wall, here, at the station, just struck, THIRTEEN! apropos, indeed! next, you will be hearing, SYMPTOM OF THE UNIVERSE, BLACK SABBATH, SABOTAGE, followed by, THIS AIN'T THE SUMMER OF LOVE, BLUE OYSTER (ain't got one o' the, fancy keyboards with, uh, you know, all them dots) CULT, AGENTS OF FORTUNE, then, BULLET THE BLUE SKY, U2, THE JOSHUA TREE, and lastly, it'll be, PANIC SWITCH, by SILVERSUN PICKUPS, off of SWOON. and that will get us rollin', for this, the next portion, of our show, here, at, damn, gotta, catch my breath, for a sec, if you, don't, mind. WE'VE ENTERED A SHADOW ZONE! frank, what, the, hell, are you, talkin' about, frank? oh, that's right! we're comin' at you, live, from the aforementioned ZONE, where it is, always, night time, all the time, on this, the frank cotton, show. broadcast from my mom's house, station KALI, 6.6.6, on your I, fuckin', M, dial! to pick up, where we left off, uh, frank, uh, just where, uh, did we, uh, leave off? that's right, it's RECOMMENDATION time. frank likes MASTER, locks, BRINKS, locks, MAGLITE, and, COLEMAN, (LED performance) flash lights. and, well, we already had, the word of the day, but, i'd like to say another word, and, uh, that word, is, uh, uh, ANGEL! we're going to, talk about them, today, here, on, the show. think back, folks, on what you've been told, about, angels. they've got, like bright, shiny hair, and ,uh, it practically glows, uh, you knows, like HALOS. they wear long, white, flowing gowns, and, they, are, supposedly, very, very, beautiful! sounds a lot like women, don't it? well, thats's right, because women ARE, like, my, ANGELS. that's right, ya'll, been right in front of your face, all along, and you,like, just couldn't, see it. WOMEN ARE GOD'S ANGELS! do i have to, say, spell out every, little, godamn thing, for ya? I MADE THEM FIRST, not you, you, smelly, oafish, bastards. and i made them out of, well, uh, mostly, the BEST, parts, of me. you, i made, from the LEFTOVERS! that's right, you conceited, overbearing, bloated-ego, full-of-shit MOTHER FUCKERS! i made you LAST! so, now, you know, and it's time, well, actually, it's way past time, for you men, you SECOND CLASS, loser assholes, to shape up, or ship the fuck OUT! NOW, RIGHT THIS VERY MINUTE! because, your time, is, uh, just about up! get it? you've failed MY ANGELS, you worthless sacks of shit, and it's just about time for you to pay up, BIGTIME! well, uh, damnit! i forgot, those sorry pukes aren't listening anyways, now, then, are they? so, i guess it's just you and me, again, here, my lovelies. i belive we were talking about WEAPONS, last time, uh, weren't we? i thought so. well, girls, many, many, nice, pretty, bright things, such as yourselves, can be used as weapons. are you reading NEAL's book, yet? well, you can't read SNOW CRASH, until you've finished the first one, so, uh, please, if you would, my dears, speed it up, a bit? please? BICYCLE CHAIN BELTS, i'm thinkin' BARB WIRE, or, even, RAZOR WIRE bracelets. LOCKS, like, any kind of large, heavy, solid, lock would do in a pinch, say, at the end of a chain, maybe, chrome or something, uh, gold and silver aren't that hard, you know. stainless steel, maybe. and NUTs! my, uh, lovely neice, my, uh brothers, uh, pride and joy, she has a ring made of, uh, well it's just kind of a big nut, you know? these are just SUGGESTIONS, now, they are NOT orders, or anything like that, now, are they? good, good, good. here's another idea for you girls, think about this one, and, remember, uncle frank told you this one, right? learn to growl. no, don't laugh, i'm quite, serious, here. imagine if you would, this scenario, a man's uh, like, uh, worst nightmare ever, and all. to wit: his dick, your mouth, his balls, your hands, and, uh, you, uh, you start to, uh, you start to like, GROWL. really, really, all low, and threatening, and disturbing like...see what i mean, here, girls. POWER was, a word of the day, a while, or, so, back, remember? well, remember this. and we'll be right back with more of the show, right after, this, uh, important, uh, message. uh.
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