that was THE GOLDEN AGE OF GROTESQUE, from the album of the same name by everyone's favorite demon, MARILYN MANSON. and it is i, your host, frank cotton with the allnight show here on radio KALI, which is broadcast live every night from frank's mom's house on the seventh planet of the BEETLEGUEUSE (that is a bitch to spell) system. i told you i lived at home, right? first up on tonights show, frank has to own up to prematurely freaking out last night. apparently, the ptb (powers that be) aren't on to frank yet, and he has to say that that is a big relief. maybe it was the pressure, maybe the weed, or maybe the fact that frank never sleeps, and didn't know that it was the 17th, not the 15th, that caused the problem. all the above? sure, why not. so frank freaked. he is a paranoid, and he has theses episodes from time to time, and he is human. well, kind of. suffice it to say, he fucked up. and since, apparently, no one is paying any undue attention at this time, let's just get on with the show. frank mentioned the game last night, but not the name. the game that we're all playing, commonly referred to as life. it is a test, and it is a trap, designed to weed out the true undesirables among us. but it is also about tempering, refining, and polishing. it is meant to be fun, challenging, and dangerous, and it is designed to keep your interest. and the name of the game, which is also its description, and its point, is EVERYONE GETS TO BE EVERYONE ELSE. so what do you think? frank just told you the reason we are all here, and what we will all eventually do. right here on good old AIN'T IT COOL NEWS. i can guaran-damn-tee you that no one saw that coming. and that's it, seriously. the answer you, and everyone throughout the entire history of the world has been looking for. why? why here, why now? because most of you don't have the time, or the energy, or the patience, resources and, let's face it, the ambition to find it out for yourselves. it's just too much, now. too much to do, too much to keep up with, too many cares and whatnot overloading your brain already for you to be able to even attempt to think about it much, nevermind go chasing after it. it's not your fault, it's just the way it is. sucks, really. then there's the overwhelming totality of all that information in the world you'd need to go through, bit by bit, trying to piece the puzzle together. not to mention that most of you are too plain old chickenshit to do a little dope from time to time (hey, i said a little), and expand your closed little minds a bit. and you need to know it, and you need to know it now, because the planet is rapidly spinning its way down the toilet, and if i didn't just finally get off my dead ass and do something about it, we were all pretty much fucked. not a pretty answer, but there it is. now you know. the next question is, now that you know, what are you going to do? what should you do, assuming you don't just laugh a little, and say that frank sure is a kidder. or a psycho, or an egomaniac, etc. you should LIVE, that's what. just do what you've been doing, assuming you're not some kind of asshole, fuck-up or loser, but do it better, with some real enthusiasm and devotion, because now, finally, you know that it has a purpose. to better yourselves, to fix what you know is wrong with you, to truly be the best you possibly can. that's not too hard, is it? you want to anyways, so now you have a good reason. because you will repeat your life, not the same exact one, mind, but you will live over and over again until you finally get it right. so why wait? because the sooner you get done, the sooner you get to that goal, the sooner you will be free to do whatever your heart desires, for as long as you desire it. within certain reasonable limits, of course. but that's the prize, that's what heaven really is. don't believe me? what do you think it is, harps and songs forever? FUCK THAT! you want to spend eternity blistering your fingers and singing praises? do you think that god deserves your eternal, undying adoration for nothing more than forcing you to live a life you didn't choose for yourself? a life that some of you maybe utterly despise? and not just that, but doing it on his terms, by his rules, under the threat of everlasting damnation for doing anything less than every single little thing exactly the way he wants you to? why, that's BULLSHIT! and you KNOW it. that's why you quit going to church, or quit believing entirely, because you knew that couldn't possibly be right. and it's NOT. so quit worrying about it, and find something else to do with your time. and your mind. read a book, or watch a movie, or spin a disc. because that's where the truth is. and the reason it's there, is because that's where you are. and because it's far easier to learn something if it's taught in an enjoyable fashion. beats going to sunday school. frank hated that shit. as if school school wasn't bad enough! and that was todays lesson. there'll be more, if HARRY doesn't mind, and they won't all be as long-winded as this one. and before we get back to the tunes, here's a little something else to think about. call it a poem , if you will, but it was meant to be lyrics for a song. it's called MY FACE HAS CHARACTER.---
if i turn heads it is away/i didnt ask - for this face - or this skin/i didnt ask - for this hair - to be thin/for these teeth - this nose - this grin/no - indeed/i am not pretty/nor am i inferior/and like the racist - you cant seem/to see past my exterior/prejudged and condemned on how i look/( i think hes creepy )( maybe a crook )/the constant gauntlet of laughter and insults/a public exile - for all to revile/better than the mark of cain/so dont point your finger - at least not at me/if i turn into what - you perceived me to be/laugh if you will ---
it's permanent midnight here at the station, and the night goes on forever, as does the music, when frank's not running his mouth. we get a little mellow here every now and then, 'cause the chicks dig it. here's GREEDY, by PURE, from the PUREAFUNALIA album, followed by SAFE by KITTIE off ORACLE, then MAPS by YEAH YEAH YEAHS from FEVER TO TELL. not 'the' YEAH YEAH YEAHS, OK? tune in tommorow, by the way. i'm sure we'll have something for you...