you've been listening to BRICKS by RISE AGAINST here on the frank cotton show. we'd like to ask a favor of our listeners tonight, and that is, as soon as you finish this line, print screen orhighlight and cut/paste this and save it immediately. because tommorrow, if not sooner, it will be gone, just like some of frank's recent posts from the 13th and 14th. frank has hit a sensitive nerve, and the ptb ain't happy. we have a quick public service anouncement, and then we'll return to the show. it's about truth. the truth, which is, as you X-Files fans know, out there. it's in the shows you watch, the songs you hear, and the books you read. it is NOT what you've been led to believe by your church, your news, or your government. it can be found, as some of the brightest among you have long suspected, in your favorite films, music, and other forms of entertainment. some of it is of the more mundane, but none-the-less important variety, but some of it is of the more far-fetched and unbelievable type. to be specific, it can be found in songs like I NEVER GOT TO TELL YOU WHAT I WANTED TO, by JULIETTE LEWIS AND THE LICKS, WHEN I GROW UP, by GARBAGE, or I AM THE HIGHWAY, by AUDIOSLAVE. it's in films like GREEN HORNET, THE BOOK OF ELI, and UNBREAKABLE (ain't THAT cool?). it's in books like FIGHT CLUB, SNOW CRASH, and A CATCHER IN THE RYE, which frank read for the first time when he was forty. some of it is in places you might least expect to find it, so pay attention. to EVERYTHING. to get you started, here's a few simple truths. we ARE all in this together. time is on our side. and the truth, the ACTUAL truth, will set you free. to paraphrase from a favorite film, the secret of THE GAME is to find out the secrets of the game. and here's a simple, yet vital truth and a good rule of thumb: DON'T PANIC! this is your host, frank cotton, whose heading OUTSIDE for a smoke, wishing you a pleasant night. the next song on tonight's playlist is an oldie, which you'll be hearing from time to time, and a personal favorite - SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT, by COREY HART.
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Wednesday Mar 30, 2011
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Wednesday Mar 16, 2011
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