frank cotton here, with an update on recent events, here in hell. i may have mentioned that i was fired by my local 'papa john's' franchise owner/employer, for trying to help a future crackhead avoid becoming such. well, assholes decided to deny me unemployment, reason given, that i wrote her a, 'romantic' letter. as soon as i can locate a copy, i will post it,...
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if anyone cares
i would like to give you a report, on recent events, in one of your franchise operations. in actuality, i will be reporting on some, shall we say, ongoing events, as well. i tried, prior to this communique, to send an email thru your 'contact us' debacle, but, sadly, my email was sent, not to the corporation, but to the franchisee, soon...
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i would like to give you a report, on recent events, in one of your franchise operations. in actuality, i will be reporting on some, shall we say, ongoing events, as well. i tried, prior to this communique, to send an email thru your 'contact us' debacle, but, sadly, my email was sent, not to the corporation, but to the franchisee, soon...
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I named a ferret of mine Miette. <3
... I shall go back to reading your blog. That is all.
... I shall go back to reading your blog. That is all.
next we have the letter i recently sent to Maureen Dowd
as if
i have a few words to say in reference to Maureen Dowd's lambaste of Bob Dylan. not a big fan of his, altho i have always liked Tangled up in Blue. as for myself, i will also say a few words, and let you be the judge. i consider myself, the left...
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as if
i have a few words to say in reference to Maureen Dowd's lambaste of Bob Dylan. not a big fan of his, altho i have always liked Tangled up in Blue. as for myself, i will also say a few words, and let you be the judge. i consider myself, the left...
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you didn't, really, believe that, did you?
and we are back, coming at you, live, as always, from our station, currently, riding the edge of the EVENT HORIZON of the BLACK HOLE SUN, where it's, as always, always midnite. this is the LOST HIGHWAY, with your host, the angel of death himself, the REVEREND frank cotton, on IM 6.6.6, radio K-A-L-I. and we are glad...
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and we are back, coming at you, live, as always, from our station, currently, riding the edge of the EVENT HORIZON of the BLACK HOLE SUN, where it's, as always, always midnite. this is the LOST HIGHWAY, with your host, the angel of death himself, the REVEREND frank cotton, on IM 6.6.6, radio K-A-L-I. and we are glad...
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apology for previous post to follow...
I have not seen Brazil; tell me about it. 

the following is brought to you by...
frank cotton here, yeah, that's right, i'm still here, and still running my mouth. from the top - frank cotton, here, with a SPECIAL REPORT on the the lousiness, if that is, indeed, a word, of his, that being, and meaning, my, personal, and actual, 50th birthday. IT SUCKED! first off, i had to work; can't miss a...
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just, pick one, or, the other, frank! quit, playin'...
question #1) i get this one a lot. so, frank, or god, or, crazy fucker, what's with all the, foul language, and, bad grammar, and, all that? don't you, think that, maybe, more people would, listen' to ya, iffn you, like, didn't curse so, doggone much? answer #1) well, uh, FUCK NO, BOZO! you want i...
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and just when you think it's over,
for one show only, live, from FHLOSTON PARADISE, it's LOST HIGHWAY, over K-A-L-I radio, on IM frequemcy 6.6.6, hosted by the one and only, frank cotton! welcome back, kids! that was, THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, MARILYN MANSON, ANTI-CHRIST SUPERSTAR (none taken), SPIN THE BLACK CIRCLE, PEARL JAM, VITALOGY, PUSHIN FORWARD BACK, TEMPLE OF THE DOG, squared, TOO OFFICIAL, QUICKSAND,...
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for one show only, live, from FHLOSTON PARADISE, it's LOST HIGHWAY, over K-A-L-I radio, on IM frequemcy 6.6.6, hosted by the one and only, frank cotton! welcome back, kids! that was, THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE, MARILYN MANSON, ANTI-CHRIST SUPERSTAR (none taken), SPIN THE BLACK CIRCLE, PEARL JAM, VITALOGY, PUSHIN FORWARD BACK, TEMPLE OF THE DOG, squared, TOO OFFICIAL, QUICKSAND,...
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did i hear that correctly?
damnit, we, have to have, this, same argument, ever' damn, day? fine. once, again; it's, my station, it's, my time, i, own the company, and, the parent company, hell, i, don't even, get paid so, i, will take, every bit as long as, i, damn well please when, i, take a break! understood? any break! now, lookee here, the...
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damnit, we, have to have, this, same argument, ever' damn, day? fine. once, again; it's, my station, it's, my time, i, own the company, and, the parent company, hell, i, don't even, get paid so, i, will take, every bit as long as, i, damn well please when, i, take a break! understood? any break! now, lookee here, the...
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i left out some of the boom-lays. this is SHINEDOWN
diamond eyes
i am the shadow - and the smoke in your eyes
i am the ghost that hides in the night
wait - wait a minute take a step back
gotta think twice before you react
so stay - stay a little while cause a promise
not kept is the road to exile
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diamond eyes
i am the shadow - and the smoke in your eyes
i am the ghost that hides in the night
wait - wait a minute take a step back
gotta think twice before you react
so stay - stay a little while cause a promise
not kept is the road to exile
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i said, don't touch that.
from the summit of OLYMPUS MONS, it's LOST HIGHWAY, live on 6.6.6 IM, radio KALI, with your host, and worst nightmare, frank cotton! how's it goin', frank! glad you asked, frank! it's been fan-fucking-tastic the last few days, and to keep things on an up note, we'll be saving the last bit of that large slab of darkness we put...
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from the summit of OLYMPUS MONS, it's LOST HIGHWAY, live on 6.6.6 IM, radio KALI, with your host, and worst nightmare, frank cotton! how's it goin', frank! glad you asked, frank! it's been fan-fucking-tastic the last few days, and to keep things on an up note, we'll be saving the last bit of that large slab of darkness we put...
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the picture of the picture can be found in pics, other
thanks for you comment on my new set
you made me smile..thanks